Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of March  3rd
QR Code for the Kona ice truck visit
Read Across America Flyer showing list of the week's events
Wildcat Weekly Updates Week of Feb. 25th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of February 18th
100th Day of School-Friday, February 16th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of February 11th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of February 4th
2nd Nine Weeks Awards Day-Thursday, February 1st
Wildcat Weekly Update Week of January 28th
Second NIne Weeks Awards-Thursday, February 1st
Wildcat Weekly Update Week of January 21st
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of January 14th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of January 7th
2nd Nine Weeks Awards Day-Thursday, February 1st
Wildcat Weekly Update Week of December 31st
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of December 17th
Dec. 18th-20th Holiday Spirit Days Monday, December 18th-Polar Express Day Wear your pajamas. Tuesday, December 19th-Holiday Attire Wear your holiday attire. Wednesday, December 20th-Grinch Day Crazy hat/hair day
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of December 10th
Wildcat Weekly Update Week of December 3rd