Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of May 27th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of May 19th
EOG Testing Information
End of Year Awards
PTO Kona Ice Days-May 21 and May 22
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of  May 12th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of May 5th
May 6th-May 10th      E.M. Holt Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of April 28th
Kindergarten Open House-Thursday, April 25th
Wildcat Weekly Update- Week of April 21st
E.M. Holt Field Day Reminders
Wildcat Weekly Update Week of April 14th
E.M. Holt Field Day-Friday, April  19th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of April 7th
Third Nine Weeks Awards-Wednesday, April 17th
Wildcat Weekly Updates-Week of March 24th
3rd Nine Weeks Awards- April  17th
Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of March 17th
Wildcat Weekly Updates-Week of March 10th