We hope this site will keep you up to date with the latest information about our PTO so that you can be more involved with the events at our school.  We welcome any E.M. Holt parent and staff member to join us.  Help us make a GREAT school even better!

Want to Join the PTO?:

Parents, Teachers, Grandparents of students can join the PTO at anytime during the school year.  The membership fee is only $5 per person.  The more participation we have the better we become.  Thank you for your support.  (email: for questions or information to join)

E.M. Holt PTO Executive Board Officers 2022-2023

  • President-: Alex Kreimer

  • Vice President- Heather Hughes

  • Treasurer- Heather Fahey

  • Secretary-Ashley Graves

Board Members Elect:

  • Kristen Barbar

  • Christy Fox

  • Tiffany Garrison

Committee Chairs    TBD

  • Beautification: Kristy Wilkerson

  • Book Fair:  Kristy Wilkerson

  • Fall Fun Event: Auction Baskets:  Jessica Bryant:  Food Trucks:  Kristen Barber   Games:  Morgan Dudley

  • Fundraising: Officers

  • Hospitality:  Candice Harrod

  • Memberships & Liaisons: Kristy Wilkerson

  • Social Media posts:  Kristy Wilkerson

Social Media Pages: 

Student Enrichment: 

EM Holt Email: 

EM Holt PTO By Laws  

Backpack Program

Contact:  Kim Sulecki

The Southern Hospitality Backpack Program sends food home weekly to cover weekend nutrition when school meals are not available.   Currently serving 31 students, this program is sustained through community support and a food collection drive at our annual Fall Festival and a school-wide food drive around February. Kid-friendly donations can be made at any time by sending in with your child or dropping off in the lobby. The program is in current need of KID-friendly entree items such as macaroni and cheese, canned spaghetti, canned ravioli, soups such as chicken noodle, vegetable, chicken and rice etc. If you would like more information about the program or if your child is in need of the program, please talk to your child’s teacher or contact the school social worker at 570-6420. Thank you for your support!

PTO Meeting Minutes