Good Evening Wildcat Families,
This is our last week of the school year and we need your help to get all library books turned in before the end of the school year. Also, if your child has medication left at school please be sure to pick it up. All outstanding lunch balances need to be paid off by Thursday, June 6th. You can pay any outstanding balances at
This week we have make-up testing and our end of year awards programs.
On Monday, we will distribute yearbooks to students that purchased them.
On Tuesday, June 4th we have our K-2 awards.
2nd Grade 11:00
1st Grade 12:15
Kindergarten 1:00
On Wednesday, June 5th we have third and fourth grade awards.
4th Grade 11:00
3rd Grade 12:30
On Thursday, June 6th we have fifth grade awards.
5th Grade 9:00
If your child was invited for summer school please be sure to return your invitation by Thursday, June 6th.
Friday, June 7th is the last day of school and it is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 on Friday. The afterschool program will not operate on Friday.
Please remember we need you to update your child's transportation information in Powerschool by Friday, June 7th in order for your child to have bus transportation on the first day of school for next school year.
The website is:
1) Log in to your PowerSchool Parent Account
2) Click Forms
3) Click Transportation Needs
4) Review and Update information as needed
5) Submit
These are all of our updates and reminders for this week. We thank you for your continued support and have a good night.