Volunteering for Special Olympics can be a life-changing experience, not just for the athletes, but for volunteers as well. Check out today's ABSS Difference Makers. It will surely make you smile! 😊 #ABSSDifferenceMakers https://youtu.be/4MPSNi0eNUQ
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Are you interested in Driver's Education for your child? Fill out the interest form here: https://forms.gle/UCdJcerrZJxw1aa48. More information about the Driver's Education program can be found on our district webpage: https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/page/driver-education
over 2 years ago, James Shuler
Driver's Education infographic with a car, yellow sign, and ABSS logo
Proud moment! Our Western Alamance FFA students did a amazing job today sharing their horticulture knowledge with the community at the Burlington Arbor Day Celebration. #ABSSCommunity
over 2 years ago, ABSS Public Information Office
Western Alamance FFA students at the Burlington Arbor Day celebration
SAT Makeup will be testing at Western MIDDLE School Tomorrow - Saturday Oct 15th. Testing starts at 8:00 am Address: 2100 Eldon Drive, Elon, NC 27244
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
Western Alamance High School will once again host the 48th Annual Central NC Band Festival this Saturday Oct 15th. Nearly 20 bands will be performing throughout the afternoon. The event begins at 11:50 a.m. #ABSSCommunity
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Western High School Band performing on Western Alamance Field.
On Saturday, October 15th, Western Alamance High School is hosting the 48th Annual Central NC Band Festival. This event will start at 11:50 a.m. and will consist of 16 bands. Spectators will enjoy great music, concessions, a bake sale, cheesecake, Pelican's, face painting, retail items, airgrams, Pumpkin Wars, and a performance from our very own Western Alamance Warriors. We hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
48th Annual Central NC Band Festival
Congratulations to Barbara Williams for being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program as a Commended Student. Barbara is one of approximately 34,000 National Merit Scholar Commended Students in the country that are being recognized for demonstrating exceptional academic promise. These students will not compete for National Merit Scholarship Awards but will remain in the top 50,000 students who entered the 2022 competition. Way to represent Western Alamance High School!
over 2 years ago, Matt Haley
Barbara Williams Commended National Merit Scholar
Due to Hurricane Ian and ABSS School Closure, this Saturday's SAT (Oct 1st) has been Cancelled. The makeup date is Saturday, October 15th. College board will be sending emails to all those who were scheduled.
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
Congratulations to our Western High Food & Nutrition I students who completed the ServSafe Food Handler Certificate program. The CTE class prepares students for careers in food service. Students can also earn ServSafe Food Manager credentials. #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Students at Western earned ServSafe Credentials.  Photo of students holding certificates.
Don't forget that "Tea with Thompson" starts tomorrow at 5:30, with our Seniors, and will end with anyone that wants to play sports in college. We hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
"Tea with Thompson"
"Tea with Thompson"
"Tea with Thompson"
"Tea with Thompson"
WA Women's Golf won the Conference Match at Mill Creek on Monday!
over 2 years ago, Matt Haley
Golf Team
"Tea with Thompson" will also include a Senior Parent Info Night led by Counselors Angel Murray Cotton and Mary Oney, from 5:30-6:30. They will focus on 3 MAIN TOPICS: organization/goal setting, timelines, and financial aid. By the end, parents and students will walk away feeling more prepared to tackle the college application process!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
"Tea with Thompson" and Senior Parent Info Night led
Breydan Gorham, 2015 Graduate of Western Alamance HS, confirms attendance at "Tea with Thompson". Gorham played baseball at App State and UNCW. He is now the Assistant Coach at NC A&T.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Warrior Alum, Breydan Gorham, confirms...
NCHSAA Hall of Famer, Donald Davis, Sr., confirms attendance at Wednesday's "Tea with Thompson"!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
NCHSAA Hall of Famer, Donald Davis, Sr., confirms attendance at Wednesday's "Tea with Thompson"!
Want to play college sports, but don't know where to start? Then join us on September 28th, at 6:30 pm at Western Alamance High School, in the Media Center, where George Robinson, Jr. and several guests will "spill the tea" on the eligibility process. I hope to see you there!!!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
"Tea with Thompson"
Monday is picture day for freshman, sophomores, and juniors. This picture will be used in the yearbook! See this link for ordering information and the picture schedule. https://5il.co/1ifl7
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Our Western High School Volleyball Team granted the wish of a special young girl in our community by hosting a princess dance before their game this week. Truly and amazing night! The team also donated money to brain cancer research on her behalf. #ABSSCommunity
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Western Alamance High School Girls Volleyball team posing with with girls dressed in princess outfits for fundraising event to help child in need.
Please see the following information for any student who would like to audition for our Western High A Capella group.
over 2 years ago, Matt Haley
A Capella Auditions Flyer
Our students are pretty competitive and had a fun time with the school wide Rock, Paper, and Scissors tournament. Homerooms winners from Thursday competed for the championship this last Friday.
over 2 years ago, Matt Haley
Tournament Winner
Semi Finals
Semi Finals
We want your feedback on the characteristics you feel are important for the next principal of Western Alamance High. Complete the survey as your voice is important. https://forms.gle/BAwY4P1NuKzT89U16 - English https://forms.gle/NPKhUcJDGVUdgzmcA -Spanish
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins