Attention 9th graders: Elon Academy is having its last information session tonight at 5pm at Cummings High School – all 9th graders and their families are welcome! If you know of any students or families who may be interested to learn more, please encourage them to attend.
about 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
Good Evening Warriors! Please reach out if you have any questions about the announcements! Have a great evening!
about 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
about 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
fall semester exam schedule, click link in post for more details
Happy New Year Warriors! Please reach out if you have any questions about the announcements!
about 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Happy New Year!
Please reach out if you have any questions about the announcements.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Here's an important message from our counselors! Schedule Change Requests: Due to the intentional conversations had with your student during spring registration and the summer scheduling sessions, we will only be changing spring schedules for the following reasons: If your student has failed a class if there is a scheduling error (ex. Your student is in Sports Education II and hasn't had Sports Education I, they’re taking a course they’ve already passed, or there's a hole in your student’s schedule), if your student is missing a required class (no math, English, science, or social studies), or if your student is dually enrolled or has a special circumstance. Extenuating circumstances may be considered. Please look for an email on Wednesday, December 7th for the schedule change request form. This form will stay open until Wednesday, December 14th. After that time, only mandatory changes will continue to be made. Alamance Community College CCP: For students who want to take ACC classes for the first time, the application, which may be found in Student Services, is due to their counselor by Dec. 9th. Lesli Bryant: A-Go Mary Oney: Gr-Pe Angel Cotton: Pf-Z
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Please reach out if you have any questions about the announcements.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Motivational Quote
Congratulations to our "Teacher of the Year" Karen Rhea and our "Classified Employee of the Year" Larry McBroom on their well-deserved successes! They are inspirations to the Warrior Community!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Karen Rhea is our "Teacher of the Year"!
Larry McBroom is our "Classified Employee of the Year"!
Cap and gown orders TODAY - Click here to place your order for your cap and gown and any other items that you choose to purchase. If all you want is the cap, gown, and tassel, choose option D. Please place your order TODAY in order to get these prices.
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
Due to several bus drivers being out this week, we are shifting drivers to accommodate routes. Bus 42 will not leave Western Alamance High School and start its route until 8:00 am starting tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Parents, please listen to the following announcement if your student is currently taking a Health and PE class this semester. Monday, December 5th, our Health Teachers will begin teaching the Healthy Youth Act or better known as the Reproductive Health and Safety unit. This curriculum is required by the North Carolina General Assembly. If you choose for your student to opt-out of or omit this curriculum you must fill out the google form that is posted on our school website. Teachers will also be sending printed copies of this form home with students as well. For those that do not want your student to be taught this curriculum, you must have this form completed before Monday, December 5th. If you choose the opt-out option, please understand students will be required to complete alternate assignments.
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Please check your email for the Weekly Warrior! It is a lengthy one. Please reach out if you have a question. Have a great evening!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Texas Roadhouse Gift Cards purchased through this link will give 10% back to Western Alamance High School general fund to support faculty and staff
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
flyer for texas roadhouse gift cards supporting Western High School
This is a reminder for everyone coming to the basketball scrimmages tonight. The ABSS clear bag policy is now in place. See the graphic for how it will be enforced!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Thompson
Clear Bag Policy
Leadership, dedication, reflection, unity, and teamwork were displayed today at Western Alamance High School. We're proud of these cadets for the hard work they put in for today’s NJROTC annual inspection. #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
over 2 years ago, James Shuler
A large group of NJROTC cadets in uniform standing side by side in the gymnasium at Western High School
Five NJROTC cadets standing side by side.  Two are holding the American flag and the NC state flag.
Three NJROTC cadets standing upright with rifles by their side
A Navy officer speaks to the audience at the NJROTC annual inspection at Western Alamance High School
The Elon Academy is hosting an information panel for 9th graders on 11/8 at 6 pm in the Media Center. You will hear from an Assistant Director of the program as well as current Elon Academy scholars from Western. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Hemminger.
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
The make-up pictures for underclassmen and senior formals originally scheduled for Monday 11/7 has been changed to December 6. More information regarding make-up pictures will be shared within the next couple of weeks.
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson
The Western High School Jazz Band is hosting the Charles Mingus Centennial Concert TONIGHT at 7pm in the WAHS Auditorium. The Artist in Residence for this event is Brad Linde - professional saxophonist (Washington, DC) and 1997 alumnus of Western High School. Brad has worked with our students for year and they're excited to finally share the stage with such a dynamic musician! Performances will also include bassist, Chase Fogleman (WAHS '21) and Pianist, Gregory Milton (Cummings HS/Broadview MS) playing with the ensemble for the first time. This is a free community event! #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Graphic of Saxaphone with ABSS Logo and text Jazz Concert
The rep from Herff Jones will present information about ordering Cap & Gown and other senior items on Nov 1 during warrior time. If you are not on campus during warrior time please see Mrs. Stuart in E4 after Nov 1 to get information. Orders should be placed before Dec 1.
over 2 years ago, Timothy Johnson