Navy Junior ROTC
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Navy Junior ROTC is an introduction to the many areas of curricula studied by midshipmen at the Naval Academy and the Naval Reserve Officers candidate program. This program is an elective course.
So that you may have a better understanding of the NJROTC program the following information is provided:
The NJROTC program is built upon contemporary concepts of education, with special emphasis on an involved approach to learning. It is specifically designed to meet the requirements of scientific achievements and technological development. The curriculum is designed to play a key role in preparing future citizens for their role in today’s society.
Develop informed and responsible citizens
Strengthen character
Promote an understanding of the basic requirements for National Security
Form habits of self discipline
Develop respect for, and the understanding of, the need for constituted authority in a democratic society.
Students will be able to readily accept the responsibility and importance of citizenship as it relates to democratic principles upon which our country is founded.
Students will be able to use operative principles of military leadership to attain a given goal.
Students will be able to achieve group integrity and unit pride through the use of team work concepts.
Students will learn the use of the chain of command as the effective means of all communication.
Students will be able to rely on the value of good order and discipline in the accomplishment of assigned goals.
The NJROTC curriculum is developed by the Commander of Naval Education and Training, encompassing 180 academic hours per year, and includes the following:
Naval Orientation
Naval Operation/Organization
Naval History
Rules of the Nautical Road
Physical Training
Military Drill

Orientation Trips, Summer Leadership/Sailing camps
Orientation trips to Military Installations provide an appropriate training platform in support of classroom work. Details for these trips will be announced in detail to qualified cadets (and parents will be notified) as they become available.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to strive to attend one of the many summer leadership camps and confidence building training opportunities that the program regularly supports. These include the Leadership Academy at the Citadel in Charleston, SC, Sailing Academy, and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) camps.
(All field trips/training opportunities/camps are subject to the approval of all teachers, indicating satisfactory work in all courses)
Special Benefits– Advanced Placement, Naval Academy nomination, University Scholarships,
Graduates receiving the Secretary of the Navy NJROTC Completion Certification are entitled to enlist in any branch of the armed forces at pay grade E-3 instead of E-1. This is a great monetary benefit as well as providing a positive push to a possible military career.
Those who academically qualify and can demonstrate sincere interest in competing for either the NROTC College Scholarship or the Naval Academy can be nominated by the NJROTC Naval Science Instructor.
The Navy provides, at no cost, all books, uniforms, and equipment needed for Naval Science courses. The designated uniform is worn as directed in accordance with Western Alamance NJROTC and school policy, normally one day a week and at designated extra-curricular activities. Meticulous grooming and concern for personal hygiene are important requirements for each cadet. Hair must be neatly groomed.
A student enrolled as a NJROTC cadet is under no obligation of future military service. The instructors are not military recruiters. The course is intended to be a citizenship and leadership program.