The State Championship bound WAHS Softball Team got a community send-off celebration tonight at Wings To Go in Burlington. Cheerleaders, parents, and community members came out to show their support for the Warriors as they prepare to take on East Lincoln Friday night at UNCG.

Good Afternoon! Please check your email and social media for the Weekly Warrior. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!

Western Alamance NJROTC proudly presented the Nation’s Colors for the NCAA Division I Women’s Lacrosse Championship today at Wake Med Soccer Park. Congratulations to these cadets for an awesome performance on this Memorial Day weekend. #MemorialDay🇺🇸

Western Teacher Cadet Breckin Cluff skipped the senior awards ceremony today to join Governor Cooper's visit to ABSS.
During the visit, Governor Cooper expressed admiration for individuals like Breckin who have intentions of returning to ABSS after completing college to pursue a teaching career. Despite missing the senior awards ceremony, Breckin was fortunate enough to have the Governor agree to present him with his award after delivering his speech. #StudentCenteredFutureFocused

Senior Awards Day 2023 Livestream link https://www.youtube.com/live/V7zwSQkHgaA?feature=share
If stream ends early due to technical difficulties, a new link will be shared here as soon as possible.

Good Afternoon! Please check your email and social media for the Weekly Warrior. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!

Final exam schedule for Spring 2023 has been posted. Click this link for more details. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWIiOkTcZbez_8ad1yqi1RRiW_5czkp8m0udv9MQAzE/edit?usp=sharing

Attention seniors and parents of seniors-
Please use the link below for important information about upcoming senior events. Thank you!

Good Afternoon Warriors! Please check your email and social media for an updated "The Week(s) Ahead" from Western Alamance High School. New announcements will be in bold. Have a great day!

Good Afternoon! Please check your email and social media for the Weekly Warrior. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!

Western’s Got Talent is back! Student Council is proud to host our annual talent show, Friday May 12th in the Pamela B. Mebane Auditorium at 6pm. Please come support our student performers who have worked so hard for this. Tickets are 5 dollars. We can’t wait to see you there!

Good Morning! Please check your email and social media for the Weekly Warrior. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!

On Monday 5/8, the WA Art Club is holding a fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse from 3 to 9:30. Just drop your receipt in the bucket on your way out or ask your to-go server to drop it in the bucket for you. Thank you for supporting the Western Alamance Art Club!

Good Afternoon! Please read your email and social media for an important message from Liana Napier regarding Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank You!

There are no words to thank the one person who has dedicated his life to students. A big thank you to Principal Bryant on this day. #SchoolPrincipalsDay

Good Afternoon! Please check your email and social media for the Weekly Warrior. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!

We had a great time welcoming our future Warriors to WAHS today! Students learned about the many opportunities we have here at WAHS, toured the campus wjth high school student guides, and even sang Happy Birthday to Mr. Artis! We are WA!

Good Afternoon Warriors! If you want to try out for next year's dance team, please come to B1 during Warrior Time on Thursday, April 27th for more information. Thank you!

Good Afternoon! Please check your email and social media for the Weekly Warrior. Please reach out if you have any questions. Have a great day!

FFA will be having our spring plant sale Saturday, April 22 from 8am- 11am. This year, plants can be pre-ordered or bought in person on the day of the sale. Here is the link for pre-ordering if you are interested: https://2023-wa-ffa-spring-plant-sale.cheddarup.com