green & yellow graphic - senior job fair

HEY CLAS OF 2023! There will be a Senior Job Fair on May 11, 9:30-11:15 am at Mebane Arts Center.  Over 40 vendors will be attending with available job openings. This event is open to current Seniors only - class of 2023. Students have been offered jobs at this event in the past!

  • Seniors should attend dressed for an interview and/or business casual (NO hats, NO tank tops, NO exposed midriff) (We have some donated men's clothes, first come, first served).
  • Come prepared with multiple copies of your resumes to share.
  • Be prepared to be informally interviewed.
  • See Pam Smith, CDC in the Media Center, to obtain a permission form so you can attend.

Need help with a mock interview or in creating a resume?  Pam Smith can help with that too!

Bus transportation will be provided.