Senior Information 2025

Important Dates for your Calendar
(optional) Cap & Gown Pictures: March 25, 2025 (by appointment only... check your student email). See Mrs. Alley with questions.
Prom: April 26, 2025, 8 pm at Alamance Country Club
Cap & Gown Delivery: April 30 (beginning during Patriot Time) 11:45 - 5 pm - gym lobby
Elementary Walkthroughs: TBA - at various locations, time TBA (transportation will be provided)
Senior Group Picture: May 23, 2025, 8:15 am - in the gym
Senior Awards: May 23, 2025, 9 am - in the auditorium
Graduation Practice: REQUIRED - Friday, June 6, 2025, 10 am - 12 pm in the SAHS Gym
Graduation: Saturday, June 7, 2025, 9 am - Greensboro Coliseum Field House (arrive by 7:30 am)
Class of 2025 Social Media accounts
For up-to-date information and upcoming events follow:
* Band app: sagrads25
To access this group scan this QR code, it will take you directly to the app, and the group.

Graduation Supplies
It is extremely important that you order by DECEMBER 1, 2024, so you DO NOT have to pay the RUSH FEES. The Herff Jones representative will be on campus September 30, 2024, for in person orders. You can also order by calling 336.228.7770, or by going online to Herff Jones at
● September 18, 2024: Assembly at 11:45 am in the auditorium to give information and order forms for graduation supplies. Extra forms will be available in the front office, student services, or outside of Mrs. East’s room (S152) if a student is not able to attend this meeting.
● September 30, 2024: Place your orders in Gym lobby during all lunches beginning at 12:15 until 5:00 pm when the Senior Parent Night begins in the Media Center.
● A deposit of $80 or full payment is required. Please order ASAP as shipping and handling fees will increase after December 1, 2024.
Yearbooks are now $75 until December 1, 2024 when the price will increase to $90. On May 1, 2025, the price will increase to $100. Yearbook sales will end on May 3, 2025.
We are not ordering many extras this year, so IF there are extras, the cost will be $100. Deadlines and prices apply whether you mail in the order or purchase online at this website. (
Senior Class Fee
To be determined - There may be a senior class fee. This fee would cover the cost of your graduation programs, diploma, and diploma cover. Updates to this will be shared as we learn more.
Cap & Gown Pictures: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
This is an optional picture, not required. The yearbook pictures are already done!
Students will sign up for appointment times. This will all be communicated through student school emails.
This is a pre-paid picture opportunity. Order forms will be given out in homerooms and extras will be in the main office and Mrs. Alley’s room D4.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Alley at
Elementary Walkthroughs: TBA, but it will be in May 2025
Students will be sent a Google Form to complete letting us know which feeder elementary school they attended.
They will also need to have a field trip form completed to attend.
SAHS will provide the students with transportation to the various elementary schools that feed into Southern High School.
Prom: April 26, 2025
Prom will be held at Alamance Country Club, 2402 Pineway Dr, Burlington, NC 27215
If you are attending with a non-SAHS student, you must complete the non-SAHS Prom Guest form and turn it in for approval.
Awards Day & Senior Group picture: TBA
Students should arrive at 8:15 am for the Senior Group picture and to line up (to walk into the auditorium)
The awards program starts at 9:00 am
Graduation Practice: Friday, June 6, 2025 - 10 am in the SAHS Gym
Participation is REQUIRED to graduate. If you don’t come to practice, you don’t walk... NO exceptions!
School dress code required, not Graduation Dress Code.
Admission tickets to Graduation will be given to students at the end of practice. Students will be given
EIGHT tickets. If a student needs additional tickets we will have a lottery after practice.
Graduation: Saturday, June 7, 2025 - 9 am. Arrive at 7:30 am (in the Greensboro Coliseum Field House)
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - 1921 W. City Gate Blvd, Greensboro, 27403
Admission by ticket ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS.
GRADUATES ARRIVE BY 7:30 am and report to West Wing B (the building across from the Field House. Security will check you in before you go into the room (only bring your keys/phones because you will NOT go back into the room after graduation).
See the Greensboro Coliseum Complex list of prohibited items on their website.
GRADUATION DRESS CODE: Graduation - Saturday, June 7, 2025 - 9 am. Arrive at 7:30 am
Dresses or skirts must be shorter than the gown and should not show at the collar
Pants must be dark dress pants NO KHAKIS, JEANS, OR SHORTS
Shirts must be White - an Oxford shirt (collared button-down) or a polo shirt (golf style)
Shoes navy, tan/nude, black or dark brown dress shoes
Socks should be dark and pantyhose should be a natural color only
Anyone not dressed appropriately may be pulled out of line at graduation.
GRADUATION CAPS: Caps should sit on the top of your head (parallel to the floor), not tilted to the side or back. Do NOT decorate your cap!!! You will NOT be able to wear it if you do!!
Honor Cords: The ONLY Honor Cords that are allowed are distributed by the school and are:
National Honor Society – blue and yellow
National Technical Honor Society – grey
Academic Honors – double gold
Elon Academy - maroon and gold
National Dance Society - light blue
Alamance Scholar - white and gold
If you have any questions or concerns about your Graduation attire - ask Mrs. East
Anyone not dressed appropriately may be pulled out of line. If these requirements cause financial hardship, see one of the administrators as soon as possible or email Mrs. East at!
Graduation Special Needs Requests
The Greensboro Coliseum Fieldhouse staff takes care of all special seating needs. It is suggested you arrive early so you can find a seat. There is plenty of handicapped seating, but once the event starts, they allow people to sit in any open seat/s. If you have a guest who requires an electrical outlet for the ceremony, please contact Mrs. Terri Rasa at
***Fines and Obligations Due***
* All fines and obligations must be paid before graduation! You will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony or pick up your diploma with outstanding fines or financial obligations to the school.