Career and Technical Education

What is Career & Technical Education?
Encompasses 94 percent of high school student and 12 million postsecondary students
Includes high school, career centers, community and technical colleges, four-year universities and more
Educates students for a range of career options through 16 Career Clusters and 79+pathways
Integrates with academics in a rigorous and relevant curriculum
Features high school and postsecondary partnerships, enabling clear pathways to certifications and degrees
Fulfills employer needs in high-skill, high-wage, high-demand areas
Prepares students to be college- and career-ready by providing core academic skills, employability skills and technical, job-specific skills
CTE Closes the Skills Gap and Addresses the Needs of High-Growth Industries
The skilled trades are the hardest jobs to fill in the US, with 645,000 jobs open in the trade, transportation and utilities sector and 253,000 jobs open in manufacturing.
Health care occupations, many of which require an associate degree or less, make up 8 of the 20 fastest growing occupations.
Middle-skill jobs, jobs that require education and training beyond high school but less than a bachelor degree, are a significant part of the economy. Of the 46.8 million job openings created by 2018, 30 percent will require some college or a two-year associate degree.
Think BIG, sponsored by Gregory Poole Equipment Company in partnership with Caterpillar is for soon-to-be graduates as well as recent graduates within a few years out of High School. For employment opportunities and to learn about this program click on the links below:
Gregory Poole - Think BIG program