Helpful Links for all English Levels
Teacher Schedules
Teacher | Lair | Courses Taught 2023-2024 |
Ms. Arnold | S127 | English 2A |
Mr. Arnold | S125 | English 2A |
Ms. Bare | C1 | Journalism |
Ms. Fox | C3 | Creative Writing |
Mrs. Johnston | C2 | Creative Writing |
Ms. Lett | C8 | English 1 |
Mr. Rother | C4 | English 1 |
Ms. Sloop | C6 | English 2 |
Mrs. Tyree | D8 (D7) | English 4 |
If you have any questions contact your teacher via email.
English Courses
English I- Develop a foundation for literary analysis and future study of high school English. Develop an understanding of literary concepts, elements, genres and terms as a foundation for further study of world, American, and British literature. Develop applied communications skills such as the development of sentences, paragraphs, and short themes. Develop listening, speaking and reviewing skills.
Grades: 9
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
English I Honors- Develop a foundation for literary analysis and critical reading skills. Study various literary genres and be involved in independent reading, research, and vocabulary building. Writing will stress all language skills, especially those relating to grammar, editing, and composition. Develop speaking, listening, and reviewing skills.
Grades: 9
Weight: H
Prerequisite: AIG English in Grade 8 recommended
English 2A - is designed to assist students in mastering the prerequisite skills necessary for success in English III. Emphasis is placed on developing the literacy skills of reading and writing. Students will follow this course with English II. This course provides one unit of elective credit, but does not count as one of the four English credits required to graduate meeting the future-ready core requirement.
Grades: 10
Weight: S
Prerequisite: English 1
English II- Develop techniques of informational writing with emphasis placed on developing critical reading and writing skills with an emphasis on vocabulary building through a study of various genres from world literature. Develop speaking, listening, and reviewing skills.
Grades: 10
Weight: S
Prerequisite: English I
English II Honors- In this course designed for skilled writers and confident, effective readers, continue development of critical reading skills through a study of various genres from world literature. Develop skills in writing, conduct library research, and write a formal research paper. Develop speaking, listening, and reviewing skills.
Grades: 10
Weight: H
Prerequisite: English I Honors recommended
English III- Study American literature, including how it reflects our nation’s culture and history. Study the connection of themes, ideas, and movements in American literature across time. Read representative works from historical periods in American history from our country’s origins to present day.
Grades: 11
Weight: S
Prerequisite: English II
English III Honors- Further development of critical skills in reading, writing, thinking, and viewing through the study of American literature. Learn research and documentation techniques by completing a research paper.
Grades: 11
Weight: H
Prerequisite: English II Honors recommended
AP English III Language and Composition- Study a variety of texts and a variety of writing tasks with an emphasis on effective writing, critical reading, and thinking through the study of American literature.
Grades: 11
Weight: AP
Prerequisite: Honors English II recommended
English IV CCRG - The CCRG English IV program provides individualized reading, writing, and grammar instruction to close gaps in a students’ college and career literacy preparation. Learning competencies of the EdReady materials match closely to the learning outcomes of NCCCS English pre-curriculum NCCCS English courses. Enhanced English IV will provide students with the same graduation credit as the regular English IV Course.
Grades: 12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: English III
English IV- Study British literature, including how the literature of Great Britain has influenced American literature. Study the connections of themes, ideas, and movements in British literature.
Grades: 12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: English III
Honors English IV- Study British literature, including how the literature of Great Britain has influenced American literature. Study the connections of themes, ideas, and movements in British literature.
Grades: 12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Honors English III recommended
AP English IV Literature and Composition - AP English Literature and Composition is an introductory college-level literary analysis course. Students cultivate their understanding of literature through reading and analyzing texts as they explore concepts like character, setting, structure, perspective, figurative language, and literary analysis in the context of literary works.
Grades: 12
Weight: AP
Prerequisite: Honors or AP English III; course summer reading
Creative Writing- This is an introductory level course designed to familiarize students with modern creative writing. The focus of this course is on the establishment of developed critical reading habits and creative responses to a wide variety of prompts, from poetry and prose, in terms of self-generated work. Students will write extensively and create a portfolio of work. Revision of written work is stressed, as are the formal elements of creative writing.
Grades: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
Journalism- Plan, design, and publish the school newspaper. Participate in interviewing, researching, writing, editing, word processing, art layout, photography, solicitation of advertisements and distribution of newspaper. The newspaper production features are studied and reinforced with on-the-job training. A student may take this course more than once.
Grades: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
Yearbook Production- Plan and prepare the yearbook for publication. Become acquainted with some of the elements of yearbook journalism such as layout and design and learn individual responsibility and teamwork. The majority of students in this class will be seniors; however, it will include some sophomores and juniors who have a special interest in the yearbook or a special talent.
Grades: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Application
Honors Yearbook Publication- Publication/Yearbook is the study, practice and refinement of the fundamental of yearbook publication including interviewing, copy writing, layout design, photography, theme development, desktop publishing, and marketing with an emphasis on working as a team, meeting publisher’s deadlines, and adhering to ethical standards. Honors students are expected to enter the class with fundamental skills in place in order to begin book production immediately. They will help train new staff members, provide daily leadership, and take on additional production responsibilities.
Grades: 10-12
Weight H
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation