✨38 Days, 38 Schools - R. Homer Andrews Elementary Andrews Elementary is a Nationally Recognized Leader in Me Lighthouse School where the culture, academics, and leadership framework are centered around the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." These habits are taught, lived, and celebrated every day, guiding the school's work in setting goals for academics, attendance, and behavior. What makes Andrews Elementary truly unique is its student-centered approach. Students actively lead and collaborate within the school community, taking ownership of their learning journey. The school is guided by principles that foster leadership, recognize the potential in every child, encourage continuous growth, empower students through motivation, and develop the whole person - not just academic achievement. At the core of Andrews Elementary is a culture that celebrates the strengths and differences of all students. This creates an environment where students can thrive as confident, capable leaders ready to make a positive impact!
about 2 months ago, James Shuler
Collage of Andrews Elementary students and staff with school logo in the center
We just love these moments shared by Principal Robinson at Andrews Elementary - These students are proud of their accomplishments and it shows! From becoming "Principal for a Day", crafting impressive 3D structures, showcasing their writing talents in a contest, and achieving personal goals, they are realizing their leadership potential. Through the Leader in Me program, students are building self-confidence, motivation, teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills! #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
3 months ago, James Shuler
An elementary student in a red and gray hoodie sits in the principal's chair as a reward
Principal Robinson from Andrews Elementary looks at a student in admiration as she is shown a notebook of personal academic growth
An elementary student at Andrews Elementary smiles beside his 3D sculpture made from blocks
Two students stand in from of a colorful Andrews Elementary wall art holding certificates of recognition for winning a writing contest
📣 Spread the word: the ABSS Job Fair is this Saturday, April 13th, at Highland Elementary! it will open at 9 AM and go until 12PM. We are excited to welcome anyone looking to start a new career in ABSS. Many positions are available. Schools will have tables set up and our talented staff is available to greet you and answer your questions. See you there!
3 months ago, James Shuler
ABSS Job Fair graphic with relevant details
📚✨Our Media Specialists totally deserve a shoutout on National Library Workers Day! Sure, they'll help you find the perfect book, but they also collaborate with teachers, model tech skills, and think outside the box to engage inquiring minds. From cozy story nooks to cutting-edge resources, they maintain an incredible space just brimming with opportunities to learn and grow. Thanks for all you do! 🙌 #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
3 months ago, James Shuler
National Library Workers Day graphic with date April 9th, 2024 and a blurred image of a stack of books
Andrews Elementary had some special alumni visitors today! Students from Broadview Middle stopped by to read to kindergarten and first-grade classes. As you can see, everyone had a great time! They couldn't leave without first challenging Principal Robinson to an arm-wrestling competition who was more than happy to oblige. 💪 #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
4 months ago, James Shuler
Broadview Middle School students standing outside Andrews Elementary with Principal Robinson
Kindergarten students sitting around a small brown table looking towards a story book read by a Broadview Middle School student
A Broadview Middle School student reads a picture book to elementary students on a carpet
Principal Sabre Robinson arm wrestles a student at a picnic table
🌟Job seekers, mark your calendars - our 2024 Job Fair is one month away! We are hiring for many positions, both certified and classified. Come find your next opportunity with us! Please share with anyone you know who may be interested. 📍 Highland Elementary ⏰ 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM 🗓️ April 13th, 2024 #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
4 months ago, James Shuler
ABSS Job Fair 2024 graphic with information about its location at Highland Elementary, April 13th, 9 AM to 12:00 PM showing four photographs of staff and students
We are thrilled to congratulate our 2024 Classified Employees of the Year! 🌟These dedicated staff members take on diverse and critical roles that provide vital support for the education of our students. We deeply appreciate their hard work. Congratulations!
4 months ago, James Shuler
Classified Employees of Year with names and schools
✨ Kindergarten Enrollment links in English and Spanish are now on our website! We have instructions, videos, a checklist, and other resources. If your child will turn 5 before August 31, 2024, they are eligible to enroll in ABSS Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 academic year. https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/o/abss/page/kindergarten-program ✅ Want to register in person? Come out to our Registration Fair on March 9th at Holly Hill Mall, 9 AM to Noon. Staff will be available to answer all your questions!
4 months ago, James Shuler
Graphic advertising Kindergarten Registration with a link to our Kindergarten website and information about the Registration Fair on March 9th
We are proud to announce the 2024 ABSS Teachers of the Year! 🌟 These exceptional teachers are making a real difference in their students' lives. They care deeply about their students’ growth and success every day. Whether helping a struggling learner find their confidence, making lessons fun through imaginative activities, or supporting students through life's challenges, their student-first commitment is worthy of praise. Please join us in celebrating them! 👏
4 months ago, James Shuler
List of ABSS 2024 Teachers of the Year with names and schools
Thanks to Tanger Outlets, Mebane for awarding more TangerKids grants to our schools today! 🙌 👏 Congratulations to Karen Nofsinger of E.M. Yoder Elementary for receiving a $390.66 TangerKids grant from Tanger Outlets Mebane for Flexible Seating. She wants to provide wobble chairs as flexible seating options for pre-K students to help increase focus and sensory input. 👏 Congratulations to Carley White of Marvin B. Smith Elementary for receiving a $400 TangerKids grant for Ceramics Exploration, collected by Principal Brian Williams and VP Leslie Ray. She aims to purchase clay, glazes and bring in guest ceramic artists to expose all students to ceramics and empower them to create their own pieces. 👏 Congratulations to Meghan Ealy of Marvin B. Smith Elementary for receiving an $800 TangerKids grant for Sensory Needs equipment. She seeks funding for equipment to address sensory needs of students including wobble stools, adaptive seating and proprioceptive input tools. 👏 And congratulations to Elizabeth Estes of R. Homer Andrews Elementary for receiving a $920 TangerKids grant for Lego Brick Math kits. She is requesting funding to purchase LEGO Brick Math kits to teach math concepts in an engaging, hands-on way to elementary students.
5 months ago, James Shuler
Tanger Outlets of Mebane Marketing Director Jeffrey Johnson stnading with E.M. Yoder teacher Karen Nofsinger holding a check together and a large T prop in front of a green E.M. Yoder banner
Tanger Outlets of Mebane Marketing Director Jeffrey Johnson stands with Smith Elementary Principal and Assistant Brian Williams and Leslie Ray holding two presented grant checks with a T prop
A group of 18 students stands with teacher Elizabeth Estes at Andrews Elementary while she holds a check from Tanger Outlets of Mebane for a grant
Great news! Pre-kindergarten applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now available! For information, locations, and application links, please visit our website: https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/o/abss/page/pre-kindergarten
6 months ago, James Shuler
Photograph of two Pre-K students engaged in investigative play with text Applications are live! PRE-KINDERGARTEN Clases gratuitas de Pre-Kinder de calidad de cinco estrellas APPLY NOW @ BIT.LY/ABSSPREK
Save the Date! 🗓️ Join us for a fun and informative evening at the last Family University of the year, January 29th at Cummings High School! 🌟 A light dinner will be provided at no cost to families before you choose from many useful sessions on topics like registering for high school courses, career and technical education opportunities, and elementary reading and math strategies. Several sessions will also be available in Spanish (Algunas sesiones también estarán disponibles en español.) Childcare will be available for children from Pre-K to 5th grade, so the whole family can participate. The Family University is a great chance to get helpful information while connecting with other families and teachers. We hope to see you there - don't miss this valuable opportunity to support your student's growth and education!
6 months ago, James Shuler
Graphic advertising the Family University event with text Light dinner provided Choose your sessions Help your child excel in their educational journey! ABSS Family University Monday, January 29th 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Cummings High School and a photograph of a teacher working with an elementary student at a desk
Andrews Elementary fourth-graders received an exciting visit from City of Burlington Councilmember Dejuana Bigelow today! As the students learn about local government in social studies, Councilmember Bigelow generously took time to discuss her position and insights into how city leadership represents citizens’ interests. The thoughtful students posed excellent questions, showing their curiosity and drive to participate in the place they call home. We sincerely thank Councilmember Bigelow for meeting with our students to provide inspiration and knowledge about local leadership roles! #ABSSCommunity #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
7 months ago, James Shuler
City of Burlington Councilmember Dejuana Bigelow stands behind a group of fourth graders at R. Homer Andrews Elementary
City of Burlington Councilmember Dejuana Bigelow points up to garner responses from students, many who are raising hands, beside a Smartboard with the text "Welcome Mrs. Bigelow" displayed on a yellow Fall-themed background.
City of Burlington Councilmember Dejuana Bigelow puts her hand on her chest while speaking to fourth grade students at R. Homer Andrews Elementary
City of Burlington Councilmember Dejuana Bigelow gestures toward attentive fourth grade students sitting in front of her
Parents, Just a reminder that tomorrow is our fall picture day!
9 months ago, Wendy Uribe
The second load on bus 271 left campus about 10 minutes ago. Students will arrive home late. Thank you for your patience!
9 months ago, Wendy Uribe
Bus 55 will ride bus 142 this afternoon Bus 12 will be a second load on bus 271 And bus 144 will also be arriving home later than usual because they will be a second load.
9 months ago, Wendy Uribe
September is National Attendance Awareness Month! Here at Andrews Elementary, we want you to know that Every Day Matters! Please send your child to school each day so they can succeed! Stay tuned in for more information and insight on why Every Day Matters! Thanks, Brittany Myers, School Social Worker
10 months ago, Brittany Myers
Attendance Awareness
Parents, Due to the recent calendar revisions, tomorrow will be a full instructional day. We will NOT have early release tomorrow.
10 months ago, Wendy Uribe
Students that ride bus 12 will be a double load on bus 271 this afternoon. Students that ride bus 55 will be a double load on bus 142 this afternoon. This means students will be arriving home later than usual.
10 months ago, Wendy Uribe
Andrew Families, Please be reminded that it is very important for all students to be on time for school. Parents no longer need to walk their child into the school building in the morning. Your child can arrive to school as early as 7:20 a.m. Students will be considered late if they arrive after 7:50 a.m. Thank you!
10 months ago, Brittany Myers