Leader In Me

Leadership is a Choice, not a Position. I believe all children have gifts, talents, and leadership abilities! Everyone can be a LEADER! At Andrews Elementary School we EMPOWER all to become leaders by realizing their worth and potential. When we rethink leadership; we yield results that are supportive of children taking control of their own greatness! Leader in Me is Andrews specialized program and every child has the opportunities to study, learn, and live the seven habits of highly effective people. The Leader in Me empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. The process helps students learn to become self-reliant, take initiative, plan ahead, set and track goals, do their homework, prioritize their time, manage their emotions, be considerate of others, express their viewpoint persuasively, resolve conflicts, find creative solutions, value differences, and live a balanced life.
Visit the Leader in Me website to explore and learn more.