This morning we started our day with a global parade! Staff and students dressed in cultural attire representing the different countries they are from and paraded the halls! What an exciting morning for everyone! 🌎🐝💙 #GlobalLeaders #UnitingOurWorld @absspublic @participatelrng
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of students walking in the hallway dresses in cultural attire.
Photo of students walking in the hallway dresses in cultural attire.
Photo of 2 students standing smiling at the camera holding signs that say Mexico dressed in cultural attire.
Photo of students standing and smiling at the camera holding signs that say Africa, dressed in cultural attire.
Photo of smith teachers dressed in cultural attire representing the country they are from.
Check out our global student learning displays throughout our building. Students are regularly engaging in global lessons and our hallways show it!! #SeabeeProud #UnitingOurWorld #StudentCenteredFutureFocused @absspublic @participatelrng 🇺🇸🇦🇺🇧🇷🇨🇦🇯🇵🇿🇦🇫🇷🇨🇳🇮🇳🌎🐝💙
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Australia global hallway display
Africa global hallway display
South America global hallway display
Asia global hallway display
North America global hallway display
Europe global hallway display
Australia global hallway display
Canada classroom global display
Asia global hallway display
Smith Families: in order for students to receive bus transportation for the 1st day of the 2023-2024 school year, students must have their information updated in Power School by May 1. Please see the attached flyers to help guide you through this process. 🐝💙
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Transportation Update Instructions for 23-24 school year
Instrucciones actualizadas de transporte para el año escolar 23-24
Today students enjoyed a global performance from Indigo Bollywood Dance academy! Students watched and participated in Bollywood dancing!🥻🇮🇳 #UnitingOurWorld #StudentCenteredFutureFocused @absspublic @participatelrng
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of two dancers standing on stage with students facing them and putting their hands on their heads.
Photo of one Bollywood dancers standing in from of several smith students on stage ready to dance.
Photo of Smith Students standing and dancing in the gym.
Photo of two indigo academy dancers and several smith students smiling at the camera.
🌎Global Awareness Week starts tomorrow!🌎 We are excited to provide many opportunities for our students to engage in global experiences throughout the week. Stay tuned for updates!! 🐝💙🌎 #globalweek #StudentCenteredFutureFocused @ABSSPublic @ParticipateLrng
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Information graphic for global awareness week. M-W Interactive Map activity, T Indigo Dance Academy Performance, W Multicultural Night 6-7, TH Cultural Parade.
Kindness matters. The first graders in Wendy Ely's classroom at Smith Elementary are now published authors! The story and video about their Kindness Book is live on Fox 8.
almost 2 years ago, James Shuler
Today for student appreciation week hearts were placed around the building for students to find, when they found a heart they got a token to get a book from the book vending machine. 🐝💙 #WeLoveOurSeabees #studentcenteredfuturefocused @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of a student standing, holding a book and a pink cut out heart with a book vending machine in the background.
We kicked off Student Appreciation Week today with kind messages as students came into school! We love our Seabees! 💙🐝💙🐝 #SeabeeProud #StudentCenteredFutureFocused @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of stairs leading to the blue doors with the words Our students are kind, smart, important, unique, valued, loved, appreciated, caring and world changers chalked on each stair.
Photo of grey sidewalk chalked with We love our students.
Photo of grey sidewalk chalked with our students are the best with a heart.
Math is a piece of Pi! Staff enjoyed celebrating Pi Day with 26 different kinds of pies!! 🥧🥧🥧 #3.14 #piday2023 @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of a long table with green table cloth with different kinds of pie on the table. There is a sign on the front of the table that says Happy Pi Day.
Photo of Smith teachers getting different pieces of pie from a long table with a green table cloth.
Photo of pies sitting on a table with green table cloth and a sign that says happy pu day.
Student leaders in action! A student in Mrs. Rambeaut's 4th grade class showed COURAGE by stepping up and leading her guided reading group.💙🐝📖 #SeabeeProud #StudentCenteredFutureFocused @coffeethenteach @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of two students sitting on a rug, reading a book and working in a notebook.
Photo of a 4th grade student holding a vocabulary card, with two students sitting beside her listening.
"INCLUSION is important for each player to feel like they are a part of the team." Today our staff reflected on inclusion within our own teams but also within our classrooms. When you VALUE every persons contributions, each person feels connected and outcomes show it.💙🐝
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of flower petals with words written on the put together on a table.
Photo of teachers working together around a table with the parts of a flower being put together.
Photo of teachers working together around a table with the parts of a flower being put together.
COURAGE is ME, going through a new day! Mrs. Martinez's 3rd graders learned that Courage is the ability to face a situation that presents imminent danger and that it can come in many shapes and sizes. Way to be courageous leaders! 💙🐝 #ckhfocusword @absspublic @IheartCKH
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of a prickly caterpillar on a computer screen with students standing behind their desks in a classroom.
Congratulations to the Elementary All-County Chorus students!! The concert was awesome! We are #SeabeeProud of you! 🎶💙🐝 @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of Smith all-county chorus students and Mrs. Rickman, music teacher smiling at the camera.
Photo of all-county music students sitting on the risers listening to clinician, Jennifer Wells.
Photo of smith all-county chorus students with Mrs.Rickman, music teacher and Dr.Hancock, principal.
Photo of Smith all-county chorus students sitting and standing smiling at the camera.
Photo of elementary all-county chorus students standing on the risers rehearsing with clinician, Jennifer Wells.
You don't want to miss the Elementary All-County Chorus Concert this afternoon!! Smith students and other elementary students are hard at work! It's going to be amazing! 🎶💙🐝 #StudentCenteredFutureFocused @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Infographic that says Elementary All-County Chorus Concert, Saturday March 11th Graham High School Auditorium doors open at 2:30 concert starts 3:00pm free admission.
Photo of clinician Jennifer Wells standing in front of elementary all county chorus students in Graham auditorium.
Photo of Smith students standing and singing with other elementary students.
Our 5th graders had an amazing time at Sound to Sea! 🐝💙🌊🐸🔬🐍 @absspublic #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of 5th grade students and teachers standing on the beach facing the camera smiling.
Teacher and student bonds are strong at Smith Elementary, which was honored as an ABSS Signature School by the Piedmont Triad Education Consortium today!
almost 2 years ago, James Shuler
Our 5th grade students are having a fishy good time at Sound to Sea. Pond, sound and beach class are just some of the highlights of their amazing trip so far. 🐸🦀🔬🌊 #StudentCenteredFutureFocused
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of 5th grade teacher Mr. Hays, standing with his class in waders smiling and facing the camera.
Photo of 5th grade students looking down at a table, dissecting squid.
Photo of 5th grade teacher Nicole Smith standing and talking to her students sitting at a picnic table.
Photo of 5th grade students wading in the water with nets in their hands.
We were recognized today by PTEC for our student achievement, growth and commitment to the capturing kids hearts program in 2021-2022. We are proud of the hard work and dedication of our staff. Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate us today. 💙🐝#SeabeeProud @ABSSPublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of Dr. Julie Hancock holding Piedmont Triad Education Consortium recognition plaque with teachers and school board members standing beside her.
Photo of Dr. Julie Hancock, holding Piedmont Triad Education Consortium recognition plaque, Lowell Rogers to the left and Smith teachers to the right.
Shoutout to our School Social Worker, Mrs. Wright! Thank you for all the things you do for our school community. We appreciate you! 💙🐝 @absspublic #SeabeeProud
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo that says School Social Work Week, March 5-11, 2023 with a picture of Mrs. Wright in the bottom right hand corner.
International Women's Day Panel!!Kindergarten hosted these successful women in our community and they shared about their successes and challenges to get to where they are. Thank you for being positive role models for our students and sharing your stories! 💙🐝 @absspublic
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rickman
Photo of five women standing holding flowers smiling at the camera.