Haw River Hype Week 23 Newsletter 23-24

Week 23: There is a leader in WE (Me & You)!

Greetings Lion Cub Families,

Week 22 was full of celebrations and synergizing to ensure student success. We celebrated three big events as a school, Valentine's Day, School Resource Officer Appreciation Day, and the 100th Day of School! We are thankful to have SRO, Sgt. Ellis as a Lion Cub Leader! He works hard to build relationships with all students and families and support their success in school. Thank you for all you do Sgt. Ellis! To check out some of the 100th Day of School Highlights, see the short video below.

Moving into week 23,  we will continue to be focused on learning and leadership and focusing more on how we can synergize, and come together as a team to ensure the success of our students. Students, Families, Caregivers, Community Partners, Haw River Citizens, Teachers, and Staff, ALL play a role in the success of our students when it comes to academics, attendance, and social-emotional learning. As we ALL take a moment to reflect, let's ask ourselves, what can we do to ensure our children are successful in all aspects of school? How can the school specifically support our children? How can our families, caregivers, Haw River citizens, and community partners specifically support our children? We ALL play a huge role in the success of our students and our students are our future. Let's come together to support our Lion Cub Leaders as they finish this school year. We are better together! To check out this week's newsletter, click here.

Let's get excited for our 23rd week of learning, leading, and loving it!

