School Improvement Plan
View the School Improvement Plan
Haw River School Improvement Plan
Guest login: GuestS15532
Guest password: GuestS15532
Low-performing identification continues pending assessment data from the 23-24 school year. Parent notification letters are not required for the 2024-2025 school year.
If you'd like to provide feedback on the School Improvement Plan, please email with your suggestions, questions, or comments.
Our School Improvement Team Meetings are held on the last Monday of every month from 3:15 until 4:15 in our media center unless stated otherwise. The list of important HRE Leadership meetings can be found here.
Leadership Team(elected 6/16/2024):
LaTasha Fonville, Principal(elected 6/16/2024)
Seon Evans, Assistant Principal (elected 8/16/2024)
Kelly Compton, MTSS Lead Teacher (elected 6/16/2024)
Tara McKenna, Parent representative (elected 6/16/2024)
Michele Claypool, Interventionist (elected 6/16/2024)
Takeia Belvin, Kindergarten (elected 6/16/2024)
Sara Realini, 1st grade (elected 6/16/2024)
Chloe Browning, 2nd grade (elected 12/9/2024)
Rebekah Hooker, 3rd grade (elected 6/16/2024)
Aimee Pettigrew, 4th grade (elected 6/16/2024)
Ebony Small, 5th grade (elected 8/16/2024)
Guadalupe Mendoza, PreK representative (elected 6/16/2024)
Penny Walker, EC chair (elected 6/16/2024)
Elizabeth Tricomi, Guidance Counselor (elected 6/16/2024)
Casey Hill, Social Worker(elected 6/16/2024)
Michele Wong, classified representative (elected 6/16/2024)
View the School Improvement Plan
Haw River School Improvement Plan
Guest login: GuestS15532
Guest password: GuestS15532