Week 15: Sliding Into Winter Break!
Our Lion Cub Leaders had an amazing week last week! Our 2nd and 3rd graders were able to participate in the Junior Achievement Program and they showcased their musical talents at our Winter Showcase, "Sounds of the Season"!
This is our last newsletter for 2023 because when we return we will be in the new year of 2024! Our Lion Cub Leaders have done many great things in the 2023 year. They have worked hard, applied their learning, and stepped up as leaders as our school achieved meeting our expected academic growth! Every student, family, staff member, and teacher played a HUGE role in our success and we cannot wait to see what lies ahead in 2024.
We are continuing our "Winter Spirit Days" this week. We look forward to seeing the school and holiday spirit all over the building. We are so proud of our Lion Cub Leaders and the progress and growth they are making every day!
Important Reminder From Nurse Matkins
Flu and cold season are here. It is important that we all do our best to stay healthy by washing our hands, covering our cough, and staying home when sick.
Students should stay home if
If the student has any of the following symptoms they should stay home:
Fever (temperature of 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit or higher),
Diarrhea or vomiting
Constant cough and sore throat
A student who has a fever of 99.6 or above or any student that has thrown up will be sent home. Therefore, you will need to come for him/her immediately when the school contacts you. It is extremely important that you provide your child’s teacher with several emergency contact numbers so that someone can be reached if your child gets sick or injured. We cannot allow students with these symptoms to ride home on the bus or daycare vans.
- Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Anyone throwing up at night or in the morning should not attend school
RCA House Points App
K-5 Lion Cub Families, did you know that you can sign up to receive notifications when your children earn House Points? All you have to do is download the free Ron Clark House Points App and sign up with the letter that was sent home with your student before break. This will allow you to see every time your child has been recognized for something positive! To check out this week's newsletter, click here.
We are going to have another phenomenal week of Learning, Leading, and Loving it!