During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we would like to share the stories of our staff that have been impacted by breast cancer.
Ms. Casey Hill, our school social worker, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2018 at the age of 42.
Ms. Hill has a family history of breast cancer, so she makes sure to get tested yearly. When she found out that she had cancer in 2018, she was shocked, but happy that the doctor said it would be easy to get out. Ms. Hill had surgery to remove the cancer, then several weeks of radiation. The oncologist (cancer doctor) told Ms. Hill that she had only a 1% of chance of the cancer returning. Ms. Hill had a lot of support of family and friends while she was in treatment. They took her took to doctor's appointments, sat with her to cheer her up, and cooked her meals. Ms. Hill's chihuahua, Caty, was also a big comfort. Unfortunately, at her six month check up, the cancer came back, so Ms. Hill had to have another surgery. She was grateful that all the people in her life loved and supported her. Today, Ms. Hill is cancer free, and living her best life.
The diagnosis of breast cancer is extremely difficult to hear. Ms. Hill was scared and anxious for a long time about her treatments and what might happen. It's important that women get tested yearly to ensure that they don't have it.
Every October, Ms. Hill dyes her hair pink to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month. She also takes pictures of her new chihuahua, Valentina, wearing something pink. Ms. Hill also advocates for all women to have yearly exams.
"Fight Song" by Rachel Platten (tells how you have to have the courage to fight the cancer and endure treatment), is a song she used for encouragement for anyone who is diagnosed.
If there is someone in your life that has any type of cancer, please take a moment to tell them how much you love them and spend some extra time with them. They will definitely appreciate it! Friends, family, co-workers, and faith are what helped Ms. Hill get through her cancer journey.