Haw River Hype Week 30 Newsletter

Week 30: We are "Springing" into Leadership and Academic Growth!

Wow! What an amazing week and a great way to close out the 3rd nine weeks!

We had so much fun at our Skate Night fundraiser at Roll-A-Bout Skating Center. We were so excited to be able to see so many Haw River students and their families as we raised $735.00 for our school by having fun! We would like to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who came out, and we look forward to doing this again next school year! 

We ended last week seeing our Lion Cub Leaders in action leading their own parent conferences to share and describe their growth so far this year. Our students were confident in stepping into this leadership role and showing that Lion Cub leaders own their own learning! Way to go! #LionCubsLeadTheWay

Click here to check out our students in action and more in our weekly newsletter!