-Keriann C.

What is International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme?
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a rigorous academic curriculum for self-motivated and achievement-oriented students. Because the IB Diploma Program offers a comprehensive and systematic education of the whole person, it is widely regarded as the most challenging college preparatory program in the world.
The IB Diploma Program is a two-year curriculum in which eleventh and twelfth grade students take courses and examinations from the six groups of the IB Diploma Program curriculum.
What are the benefits of IB?
IB Learners are:
encouraged to think critically and solve complex problems
drive their own learning
a core part in educational programmes that can lead them to some of the highest-ranking universities around the world
more culturally aware through the development of a second language
able to engage with people in an increasingly globalized, rapidly changing world.

“IB is for individuals who wish to spark a love for learning and explore topics they show a deep interest in.”

“IB promotes questioning before memorization and brings about valuable new perspectives. It has become the inspiration for many of my ideas and strong motivation for exploration.”
-Priya M.

“IB is for anyone who wants to feel challenged at school -- who wants to have deep discussions and make deep connections with their peers.”
-Molly H.

“The IB program pushes me to think deeper, work harder, and love learning with a new passion.”
-Eleanor A.

“IB sets you up for a path to succeed in the real world after highschool. You have an alternate way of critically thinking that others may not have.”
-Michael S.
“IB creates a lot of opportunities in the future and it’s almost like college. Once I’ve graduated I’d have habits built that would help me prosper in college.”
-Quenten M.