WAMS Weekly Update - 3/16/25

March 16, 2025

Good afternoon Western Alamance Middle School families, this is Principal Aaron Acome.

I hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend. With just two weeks left in the third quarter, this is a crucial time to check your child’s progress. We encourage families to log into PowerSchool to review grades and have meaningful conversations with your student about any outstanding assignments that need to be completed. Please remind your student to check with their teachers to confirm the final day for submitting assignments for this grading period. Your continued support and partnership play a vital role in helping all students succeed, and we greatly appreciate your efforts to ensure that assignments are submitted on time.

24-25 Calendar Update: The board of education has approved several important calendar changes to address our recent inclement weather days. These adjustments are necessary to ensure we meet state requirements for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please note the following calendar updates:

  • Friday, June 6 (Last Day of School): This will now be a FULL instructional day for students, not an early dismissal as originally planned.

  • Monday, June 16 and Tuesday, June 17: These have been designated as optional teacher workdays for 10-month certified staff members on the traditional calendar.

You can download the revised student, staff, and Early College calendars using this link: https://tinyurl.com/2p8y465k

PTO: If you have an Eagle Scout or Girl Scout seeking their Gold Award, please contact westernalamancepto@gmail.com. We would love for you to help us with campus beautification. 

8th Grade: Parents or Guardians of 8th grade students-please ask your student about the permission slip they received last week regarding the field trip on April 7th.  Due dates are quickly approaching.

Band: The Western Alamance Middle School Band is selling offer cards that provide discounts at several shops and restaurants in the Burlington area.  The cards cost $10, and 80% of the sale goes back to support the middle school band.  On Friday March 21st, you may purchase an offer card in the afternoon car line.  You can pay by cash, check, Venmo, or PayPal.

PBIS: Our PBIS celebration will be Thursday March 27th. Kona Ice will be on the back field again. Students with 20 stamps can bring $5 to participate after lunch. This will be like the 1st 9 weeks.

Student Dismissal: Lately, we have seen an increasing number of students remaining on campus well past 4:15 p.m., some as late as 4:45 - 5:00 p.m., without supervision.  All car riders must be picked up in the front of the school between 3:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Any student still on campus after 4:15 p.m. who is not under the supervision of a staff member (a coach or classroom teacher) will be escorted to our After-School Care Program, where parents will be required to park, come inside, and sign their child out (Families will also be charged the daily rate for after-school care). 

News about the Arts at Western Middle:

Burlington Alumnae Chapter (BAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is hosting its 2025 Art Supplies Drive specifically benefiting Western Alamance Middle School. Running from February 1 to March 31, 2025, the drive invites community members to contribute materials that support creative learning for local students. Join us in celebrating the talents of Western Alamance Middle School students and the impact of community support in arts education! Art Supply Donations can be made at any of the following collection locations. Look for the Big Red Box to put the art supplies in.... ALL art supplies are welcome.

Collection Locations:

  • The Main Line (Graham, NC) 

  • Creative Chaos (Burlington, NC) 

  • Hawaii Fluid Art (Burlington, NC) 

  • Mayco Bigelow Community Center (Burlington, NC) 

  • Western Alamance Middle School (Elon, NC)

Free Physicals: We’re excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for all ABSS middle and high school student-athletes! Kernodle Clinic is offering FREE athletic physicals at multiple locations across the district.

Take advantage of this opportunity to ensure your student-athlete is ready for the upcoming sports season! If you need additional information, please reach out to your school’s athletic department.


Tuesday, March 18th Baseball at Graham 4:45

Wednesday, March 19th Soccer at Graham 4:45 

Wednesday, March 19th Baseball at WAMS 4:45 

Thursday, March 20th, Soccer at WAMS 4:45

Thursday, March 20th, Softball at WAMS 4:45

Thursday, March 20th, Track and Field at Southern 4:45