WAMS Weekly Update - 2/23/25

February 23,2025

Good afternoon Western Alamance Middle School families, this is Principal Aaron Acome.

I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the sunshine this weekend after last week’s winter weather! As we transition back into our regular routine, I want to remind everyone that this Friday, February 28th, is now a regular student day. It was previously scheduled as a workday but will now be used to make up instructional hours missed due to last week’s snow. Please plan accordingly, and let’s make it a great week of learning!

Please continue reading for the latest information on upcoming activities, reminders, and ways to stay engaged with our school community.

NC Check Ins:

Nc Check-Ins will begin this Monday, February 24th we will administer the  Math NC Check-In to all 6th - 8th grade students. Tuesday February 25th we will administer the Reading NC Check-In to all 6th-8th Graders. Wednesday February 26th we will administer 8th grade Science Check-In to all 8th grade students. Check-Ins are interim assessments aligned to North Carolina grade-level content standards developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). The main purpose of NC Check-Ins is to provide students, teachers, and parents with immediate data and a reliable estimate of students’ current performance on the selected content standards. It is extremely important that your student arrives at school on time with a fully charged computer Monday through Wednesday to ensure that our test administration is not interrupted.


Come and join us Thursday for the Faculty/Staff/Student basketball game Thursday from 5:15-6:15. Admission is $5 and concessions will be offered.

News about the Arts at Western Middle:

Burlington Alumnae Chapter (BAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is hosting its 2025 Art Supplies Drive specifically benefiting Western Alamance Middle School. Running from February 1 to March 31, 2025, the drive invites community members to contribute materials that support creative learning for local students. Join us in celebrating the talents of Western Alamance Middle School students and the impact of community support in arts education! Art Supply Donations can be made at any of the following collection locations. Look for the Big Red Box to put the art supplies in.... ALL art supplies are welcome.

Collection Locations:

  • The Main Line (Graham, NC) 

  • Creative Chaos (Burlington, NC) 

  • Hawaii Fluid Art (Burlington, NC) 

  • Mayco Bigelow Community Center (Burlington, NC) 

  • Western Alamance Middle School (Elon, NC)

Free Physicals: We’re excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for all ABSS middle and high school student-athletes! Kernodle Clinic is offering FREE athletic physicals at multiple locations across the district.

Take advantage of this opportunity to ensure your student-athlete is ready for the upcoming sports season! If you need additional information, please reach out to your school’s athletic department.


Spring Sports:

Softball tryouts will begin on Monday, February 24th after school (pick up @5:30).

Baseball tryouts will begin on Monday, February 24th after school (pick up @5:30).

Track and Field will begin on Monday, March 3rd.

All student information must be correct in Dragonfly prior to tryouts.