October 6th, 2024
Good afternoon WAMS families, this is Principal Aaron Acome. I hope everyone had a great weekend. It is hard to believe we are already in October. With only 3 weeks remaining in the 1st quarter, it is a great time to log into PowerSchool and review your student’s grades and progress.
Fall Sports Pictures:
Fall sports pictures will take place on Tuesday, October 15th. This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email about their child’s school portraits. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file with the school. To pay online, go to www.strawbridge.net. Click order picture and enter the following code:FM465659
Spirit wear is here and will be handed out on Monday. We will do another order in November, just in time for Christmas!
Thanks to everyone who has sold the Nothing Bundt Cake cards.We are doing great. We have one week left!
The incentives are as follows:
The homeroom that sells the most cards will get a pizza party.
The top seller will get a choice of either a $50 Amazon gift card or a $50 Ulta/Sephora gift card.
The top seller per grade level will get a $25 gift card to either Amazon or Ulta/Sephora.
Each student who sells at least five cards will be entered to win gaming gift cards (X-Box, Robux, Playstation, etc) worth $25. Students can enter up to four times.
Only one prize per student.
A huge shout out to our custodians who keep our school neat and shiny. We celebrated them this week with lots of heartfelt thank you notes and a gas card.
Please make sure to follow us on Facebook, Western Alamance Middle PTO.
Please mark your calendars for Western Alamance Middle School dine out night at Panera Bread on Huffman Mill road on Thursday, October 31 from 4-8 pm. If you could help remind people when they check out to mention that they are with Western Alamance middle, that would be wonderful. You can email the PTO at westernalamancepto@gmail.com.
ABSS Family University:
Family University is this Monday, October 14th from 5:30-7:30 pm at Cummings High School. There are many wonderful sessions being offered to parents that will assist you in supporting your child. Childcare for Pre-K to 5th grade and is also available! This is a great opportunity to learn more about how ABSS can support you and how you can support your student(s). We hope to see you there!
Western Middle FCA:
FCA is sponsoring a donation drive fir our neighbors in Western NC, Your student can pick up a supply list of requested items from the office. Please turn in donations by Friday 10/11.
Every minute matters! Parents, please help us to stress the importance of arriving on time to class and being present each day. The school day begins at 8:30am. Students arriving after 8:30 are considered late.
Afternoon Car Rider Line Dismissal:
Please make every effort to move vehicles to the Flagpole while in the car rider circle and maintain close proximity to the vehicle in front while in line. This will help alleviate congestion on 87.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application:
Breakfast and lunch are not universally free for all students. If you would like your child to eat meals at school, you will either need to put money on their online account or you will need to secure a free/reduced lunch status by filling out the required form. Paper forms are available in the WAMS main office or you can fill it out online. Please make sure that you have been approved for free or reduced lunch or that your child has lunch money in their account.
Canvas Observer:
Parents can sign up as an observer in Canvas. Observers can link their Canvas account to their student's account so they can see assignment due dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course. How to Sign Up to Become a Canvas Observer
Athletics Events:
Monday, October 7th: Cross Country at WAMS
Tuesday, October 8th: Volleyball at Hawfields
Tuesday, October 8th: Boy’s Soccer at Hawfields
Wednesday, October 9th: Football at Turrentine
Thursday, October 10th: Volleyball at Woodlawn
Thursday, October 10th: Boy’s Soccer at Woodlawn
Friday, October 11th: Tennis at Western Alamance HS
As always, thank you for your continued support. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.