Infographic with navy background and white block writing that says Weekly Update, February 6th with Smith Seabees Logo in the middle.
Smith Elementary Weekly Update 
Week of February 6, 2023

This week our students in third through fifth grades will be participating in our NC Check-In assessments. On the days your student is testing please make sure they get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time. Our fifth graders will be testing Monday through Wednesday. Our fourth graders will be testing Monday and Wednesday. Our third graders will be testing on Tuesday and Thursday.

We are having our first virtual information session for our Dual Language Immersion program this Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm. If you know of anyone who will have a Kindergarten student next year and might be interested in this program, please have them check our website for the meeting link. We are accepting applications now through March 23rd.

This Friday is our Winter Dance for students in 3rd through 5th grades. If your child wants to attend you must fill out the permission slip and send $5 with your child on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. No tickets will be sold on the day of the dance. You must be able to pick up your child at 4 pm. Early dismissal from the dance will not be feasible. Your child can bring additional money to the dance for snacks, a photo booth, and glow sticks. We can’t wait!

Friday, February 10th is also Mrs. Pumpkins fundraiser pickup from 3:30-4:30. If you placed an order, please mark your calendar. These items are frozen and will need to be picked up as our school will not be able to store any remaining items.

We need your help! If your child needs to eat breakfast at school, please make sure they arrive by 7:30 am in order to eat breakfast in our cafeteria and arrive at their classroom by 7:50 am when the tardy bell rings. If they arrive at 7:45 am to eat breakfast, they will not be able to eat and make it to class by 7:50 resulting in a tardy. We will begin counting tardies for late breakfast on Monday!

Dr. Julie Hancock 