
This month our Capturing Kids Hearts Leadworthy Character Trait was EMPATHY. We are proud to recognize all of these students for going above and beyond to develop and display our Leadworthy Character Trait during September. 

Poster that says CONNECT WITH HEART and defines EMPATHY as understanding the feelings and the heart of another. 

We define EMPATHY as the ability to be aware of, understand, and be sensitive to another person’s feelings. Instead of focusing on how these feelings impact ourselves, empathy motivates us to focus on others and respond with care and compassion. 

Over the last month and half students have been learning about empathy in their classroom. 

These students displayed EMPATHY in the following ways:

  • Notices students who are left out and brings them in 

  • Pays attention and responds when a classmate is sad or upset 

  • Intentionally shows others care and compassion 

  • Shares with other students in need 

  • Able to see other people's perspectives and not just their own

Congratulations to these SEABEE LEADERS! We are proud of you!

Photograph of students sitting in the foyer at Smith Elementary being recognized for showing EMPATHY for the month of September. 

Photograph of students sitting in the foyer at Smith Elementary being recognized for showing EMPATHY for the month of September.