Weekly Update

Smith Elementary Weekly Update

Week of September 26th

The Scholastic Book Fair is taking place next week. Students can shop during their library time. Adults can shop in person this year during special open shopping hours which will be before school on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7:30-9am, plus before and during Curriculum Night on Thursday evening. Please remember to check out your teachers’ class wishlists, buy egift cards for classroom libraries and set-up eWallets for your students. Cash, eWallet and completed checks made out to 'Smith Elementary PTO' will be accepted at the Fair. Please do not send a credit card with your child. All sales benefit our school.  We hope you will make plans to shop!

Tuesday, September 27th is the final day for turning in health assessments and immunization records that are required by the State of North Carolina.  If your student is new to our school as a Kindergartner, or if your child is new to our school because you moved from out of state or country, you have to submit both items by Tuesday’s deadline.  

If you have received an exclusion letter from Dr. Hancock, then we are missing documentation of one or both of these items.  You can obtain these from your student's physician or clinic.  Unfortunately, if these documents are not received by 3:30 on Tuesday, September 27th, then your child may not return to school until they have been completed and turned in.  Please understand we do not want  your child to miss school but this is state law that we are required to follow.  Please help us by handling this matter ASAP! 

Progress Reports will be made available through your Parent Powerschool account on Wednesday.  Please take a look at this important information!

Thursday evening is Curriculum Night!  We hope you will mark your calendar and make plans to attend.  Your child’s teacher will present information about grade level standards, classroom expectations, and assessments.  There will be two sessions available for you.  Please plan to attend either session or both sessions if you have more than one child. 

  • First session 6:00 - 6:30 pm 

  • Second session 6:30 - 7:00 pm.  

Our Book Fair will also open at 5:30 pm and remain open through the evening.  We will have a special session for Kindergarten and First Grade families who have a student in the Dual Language program at 5:30 pm.  Information about this event was sent home with your child on Friday.

On Friday your school portrait proofs were sent home with your child.  Please make sure you get this information out of your child’s bookbag.  The due date to return your child’s picture proof will be Wednesday, October 5th!  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to purchase your child’s school portraits!

On Friday we are recognizing our school custodians for National Custodian Day!  We have wonderful custodians and we appreciate all they do each day to keep our building clean and safe for our students.  

We continue to see our lunch debt increase.  Please understand that this year breakfast and lunch are no longer free.  If you want your child to eat breakfast and/or lunch, you will need to be sure your child has money with them or you have to put money in their lunch account here.  If you would benefit from assistance with the cost of breakfast and lunch, please apply here.

Dr. Julie Hancock 
