We are so thankful that Sergeant Hinkle was able to volunteer his time to come out to GHS, and show Mrs. Pierce’s public safety class the BearCat and teach them about the many roles of an SRT team member.
about 2 years ago, Joseph Lamanna
Sergeant Hinkle
BearCat Visit
BearCat Interior
We are looking forward to all of our Red Devils coming out Friday night to cheer on the varsity football team to victory over Bartlett Yancey. This week's theme is Disco Night!
over 2 years ago, Joseph Lamanna
Football Game Theme 9/16/22
The GHS Red Devils football team earned their 1st victory of the season in a barn burner tonight, 54-50 vs. Wake Christian.
over 2 years ago, Joseph Lamanna
Final Score
The PSAT is a practice test that prepares students for success on the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), a commonly required college placement test. The PSAT is open to students in grades 10-11. Please complete the linked form below and payments by September 12th. https://forms.gle/8tUy4cuLYSuNaztb9 Please use this form to sign up to take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12th at Graham High School. Testing will occur during the school day. Note: The cost of the test is $18 which MUST be paid by Monday September 12th- Please pay by check or bring exact change if paying in cash. Payments can be given to Ms McCarthy in the front office. Fee Waiver Information for our Economically Disadvantaged Students - https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/k12-educators/requesting-fee-waivers. Please be advised that testing accommodations are NOT being provided for this testing administration
over 2 years ago, Joseph Lamanna
Senior portrait makeups will take place at Graham High School on Monday, September 19th. To schedule, please visit www.prestigeportraits.com. Choose the option to search for your school by location to schedule your portrait time.
over 2 years ago, Joseph Lamanna
Take the time to check out the GHS September Newsletter. It includes highlights from the first week of school, this month's sports schedules, a link to the 2022-2023 student handbook and a welcome back letter from our principal Mr. Bryant. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFIetXJjCc/LHL-17FsmV8ATSBPCS70CQ/view?utm_content=DAFIetXJjCc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink#4
over 2 years ago, Joseph Lamanna
We're thrilled to announce the new app for ABSS! It's everything ABSS, in your pocket. 

 Download for Android https://bit.ly/3JqX1Mq
 Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3PTrWmU
over 2 years ago, James Shuler
Graphic with a smartphone showing the ABSS mobile app feed, events, and buttons at the bottom and the text "It's everything ABSS, in your pocket.".
More GHS FACS teachers having a blast with #ABSSCTE #GrahamGreat
over 2 years ago, David Wils
FACS teachers
Our GHS FACS are enjoying CTE professional development today! And one of our own, Joanne Jeffries, even led part of the SEL portion! Way to make #GrahamGreat #ABSSCTE
over 2 years ago, David Wils
Ms Jeffries leading SEL
CTE schedule
The location of our volleyball match against Eastern Alamance has been moved to Graham High School's main gym. Our JV match begins at 5pm and our Varsity squad takes on the Eagles of Eastern at 6:30pm. We hope to see you there! Go Red Devils! #GrahamGreat #RedDevilVolleyball
over 2 years ago, David Wils
8/23 Volleyball Flyer
Score after the first quarter. #GrahamGreat #FridayNightLights
over 2 years ago, David Wils
1st quarter score
We’re just a few minutes away from opening kickoff as we take on @SAPatriotsFB! Go Red Devils! #GrahamGreat #FridayNightLights
over 2 years ago, David Wils
Red Devils take the field
Our teachers are hard at work preparing for the 22-23 school year! Thank you, Trailhead Church, for hosting us while the finishing touches of construction at GHS are being put into place. We can’t wait to see our Red Devils on the 29th! #GrahamGreat #BackToSchool
over 2 years ago, David Wils
Teachers in PD
Teachers in PD
Open House is Thursday, 8/25 from 5:00-7:00pm in the Main Gym at GHS! Students (and parents) can meet their teachers, learn about bus transportation, complete lunch forms, and more! This is a floating event. We hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Harold Bryant
Flyer advertising open house on 8/25 from 5-7pm in the main gym
Calling all potential Cheerleaders! Ms. Johnson and Ms. Jobe are holding a Parent/Student info night at 6pm on Thursday, August 18th in the GHS Auditorium. If you are want to help bring back Red Devil Cheer, please come! We hope to see you there! #GrahamGreat #RedDevilCheer
over 2 years ago, David Wils
Cheerleading info session this Thursday at 6pm!
Our very own Coach Houston and his football captains spoke at media day with all of the ABSS teams and local media present. Way to represent Red Devils with pride! We can’t wait to take the field next week! #GrahamGreat
over 2 years ago, David Wils
Our very own Coach Houston and his football captains spoke at media day with all of the ABSS teams and local media present. Way to represent Red Devils with pride! We can’t wait to take the field next week! #GrahamGreat
Graham High School will be offering Drivers Ed Classes September 6-16 in the Media Center from 3:45-7:05PM. We will be taking the oldest 60 students. Use the registration link below to sign up. https://forms.gle/cFFksPA97Gst5RKR7
over 2 years ago, James Shuler
Photo of driver's ed car with student driver placard on top
ABSS has a new website & mobile app. You may need to update your bookmarks if you're getting an error message. Check out the new site using the link below and be sure to download our mobile app on Google Play or the Apple App Store. https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Graphic announcing new website and mobile app.
Interested in your student taking Drivers Ed? Click here to complete our interest form: https://tinyurl.com/2fwxne87
over 2 years ago, Les Atkins
Graphic announcing driver education classes.  Shows sticker on car please be patient student driver.
It's a great day to be a Red Devil! Apply now to join our amazing team!
over 2 years ago, Harold Bryant
flyer recruiting staff members including an EC teacher, EMT instructor, English coach, English teacher, Fire instructor, Graduation coach, Math teacher, Science teacher, and Social Studies teacher