Wildcat Weekly Update Week of October 31st

Good Evening Wildcat Families,

We have a few updates and reminders for this week.  First we want to thank everyone for the many donations of food last week.  This will help benefit our backpack food program.

Friday was the last day of the nine weeks and teachers are working on completing report cards and having parent conferences.  Report cards will be emailed on Monday, November 7th.  Please make sure you have an accurate email address on file and make sure to set up your Powerschool Parent Portal account.  If you need assistance please contact the school office.  

 Please remember that tomorrow is a teacher workday and there is no school for students.  All students should return to school on Tuesday, November 1st.  Tuesday begins the first day of the second nine weeks.  

On Tuesday, November 1st we will have the NED show Mission Mindset coming to visit us here at school.  The NED show stands for Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best.  Following the NED show on Tuesday, students will have the opportunity to purchase a yoyo from Mrs. Parsons in the mornings.  We will be sending home more information after the program.  

On Thursday, November 3rd our first grade students will participate in the Flags for First Graders program.  

Looking ahead to next week:

Tuesday, November 8th is a teacher workday and there is no school for students. 

Friday, November 11th is the Veteran’s Day Holiday and there is no school.  

If your child needs to do make-up pictures they will be on Monday, November 14th.

These are all of our updates and announcements.  

Thank you and have a great night.