Good Evening Wildcat Families,
The PTO Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser continues through March 27th.
Please join us on Tuesday, March 18th by wearing orange to celebrate Kidney Cancer Awareness month and our very own Mr. Bradshaw's fight with kidney cancer.
On Tuesday, March 18th we have our Talent Show Night. Kindergarten through second grade acts will perform beginning at 6:00. Third through fifth grade acts will perform beginning at 7:30. There will be a 30 minute intermission between each show.
Please join us on Friday, March 21st to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing mismatched or brightly colored socks.
Here are a few general reminders:
Fourth and fifth grade students that are participating in Singing Wildcats should meet in the music room at 7:30 on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Please make sure that you go through the car line to drop off your students after 7:20.
Remember if your child is out that you need to submit an absence note using the link on the school website to upload your note. All students should be in class by 7:50.
If you need to change your child’s transportation information for the day, please be sure to complete the transportation change form on the school website prior to 2pm. If you are picking up your child prior to car rider dismissal please do so by 2pm. Remember early check outs are considered a tardy.
For parents and visitors coming to have lunch please remember that outside food and drinks are not permitted in the cafeteria. Please be sure to go online and pay your child’s lunch balance online at
Yearbooks are now on sale for $23. To order a yearbook, parents need to go to . Be sure to type in the school name, Holt and order from there.
Looking ahead to the next few weeks:
March 26th Spring and Group Pictures
March 27th Third Grade Old Salem Field Trip
March 28th Teacher Workday-No school for students.
April 1st PTO Skate Night
April 10th Third Nine Weeks Awards Day
April 11th Field Day
These are all of our updates and reminders for this week. We thank you for your continued support and have a good night.