Good Evening Wildcat Families,
Fourth and fifth grade students that are participating in Singing Wildcats should meet in the music room at 7:30 on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Please make sure that you go through the car line to drop off your students after 7:20.
On Monday, February 17th we have PTO Skate Night at Roll-A-Bout Skating Center from 6-8pm. The cost for skaters and non-skaters is $5 cash.
On Tuesday, February 18th we have the hearing screening for K, 1st, 3rd and 5th grade students. Please remember in order for your child to participate in the hearing screenings you will need to opt in within the forms section in Powerschool.
On Wednesday, February 19th, third through fifth grade students begin their Check In Testing. On Wednesday students will take the Math Check-In.
On Thursday, February 20th third through fifth grade students will take the Reading Check-In.
The PTO will be hosting Staff Snack Day on Thursday, February 20th. You can sign up using the link if you'd be willing to donate. All items will need to be dropped off at the front office by Wednesday, February 19th.
On Friday, February 21st fifth grade students will take the Science Check In. Progress reports also come home on Friday.
Remember if your child is out that you need to submit an absence note using the link on the school website to upload your note. All students should be in class by 7:50.
For parents and visitors coming to have lunch please remember that outside food and drinks are not permitted in the cafeteria. Please be sure to go online and pay your child’s lunch balance online at
Yearbooks are now on sale for $23. To order a yearbook, parents need to go to . Be sure to type in the school name, Holt and order from there.
Looking ahead to the next few weeks:
Friday, February 28th is a teacher workday and there is no school for students.
We will be hosting Family PE Night on Monday, March 3rd. Kindergarten through second grade will begin at 5pm and third through fifth grade will begin at 6pm.
We will be hosting a Talent Show Night in mid-March. If your child is interested in participating in the talent show please sign up using the link. An interest form was sent out via Dojo.
These are all of our updates reminders for this week. We thank you for your continued support and have a good night.