Wildcat Weekly Update-Week of February 2nd

Good Evening Wildcat Families,

We are now into the third nine weeks, and it is critical that all students are on time and present for school. Remember, if your child is absent, you need to submit an absence note using the link on the school website to upload your note. All students should be in class by 7:50 AM. Please ensure your child is ready and prepared to unload in the morning. If you enter the line after this time, your child will be tardy, and you will need to walk them in and sign them in. If you need to change your child’s transportation for the day, please be sure to complete the transportation change form on the school website prior to 2:00 PM.

This week is National School Counselor Week. Please join me in celebrating Mrs. Parsons. She helps our students thrive at school, and we are so thankful for her.

For parents and visitors driving on campus during the school day, please remember to drive slowly and be cautious. Our students and staff use the crosswalk area to walk to and from the front playground, so it is important to watch for students and staff who may be crossing.

For parents and visitors coming to have lunch, please remember that outside food and drinks are not permitted in the cafeteria.

Please be sure to go online and pay your child’s lunch balance at https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/.

We encourage all families to complete the free and reduced lunch application. Even if your child qualified in the past, you must complete the form each year. You can complete the application online at https://www.lunchapplication.com/.

Yearbooks are now on sale for $23. To order a yearbook, parents should go to www.yearbookforever.com. Be sure to type in the school name, Holt, and order from there.

Looking ahead to the next few weeks:

  • February 17th - PTO Skate Night

  • February 19th - Check-In Testing Begins

These are all of our updates and reminders for this week. We thank you for your continued support.