Good Evening Wildcat Families,
Our one and only school fundraiser for the school year is still underway. The funds raised will go toward purchasing needed playground equipment, supplies and furniture for the school. Our school fundraiser will continue through October 26th.
We will have fall pictures tomorrow.
Also on Monday evening ABSS is hosting Family University at Cumming High School from 5:30-7:30. A light dinner will be provided from 5:30-6:00. Childcare and homework help will be available for PK-5th grade students. This is a great opportunity to come out and learn more about how to help your child be successful.
This week we will celebrate Fire Prevention Week with the help of the E.M. Holt Volunteer Fire Department. They will be out visiting our school this week and teaching our students about fire safety.
On Thursday, October 19th the PTO will hold a meeting in the media center at 7pm. If you are interested in joining or just want to find out more about the PTO please plan to come out and join us. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The end of the nine weeks is quickly approaching on October 27th. Please continue to monitor your child’s progress in the Powerschool Portal.
Looking ahead to the next few weeks:
Next week October 23rd-27th we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week.
Monday, October 30th is now a student day.
Our Book Character Dress Up Parade is scheduled for Tuesday, October 31st.
These are all of our updates and reminders for this week. We thank you for your continued support and have a good night.