Good Evening Wildcat Families,
This week is the last week of school for the year.
Please make sure you have turned in the permission slip or emailed your child’s teacher to give permission for your child to attend the animal presentation on Monday.
Also yearbooks that were ordered will be passed out on Monday.
On Tuesday, June 6th we have K-2nd grade awards.
2nd 11:00
1st 12:15
K 1:00
On Wednesday, June 7th we have 3rd and 4th grade awards.
4th 11:00
3rd 12:30
Also on June 7th we have the 3rd grade reading retest.
On Thursday, June 8th we will have the 5th grade awards ceremony beginning at 8:30.
Friday, June 9th is the last day of school for students. It is an early release day and students will be dismissed at 11:30. If your child has medication at school, please plan to make sure and pick up any leftover medication with the school nurse by Friday, June 9th.
We have several students with overdue lunch balances. Students that have overdue lunch balances need to make sure that lunch balances are paid off by the last school day.
These are all of our updates and reminders. We thank you for your continued support and have a good night.