The end of the third nine weeks is quickly approaching on March 30th. It is important for all students to be on time and in attendance for school. Please remember all students are expected to be in class by 7:50.
If your child is arriving by car in the mornings or afternoons please be sure to drive safely and follow the traffic pattern.
On Monday, teachers will begin collecting permission slips and payment for students that are attending the spring dance on March 30th. The cost for the dance is $5 per student. All spring dance permission forms and payments are due by Monday, March 27th. All past due lunch balances should be cleared up before signing up to participate in the dance.
On Tuesday, March 21st we will participate in World Down Syndrome Awareness Day by wearing blue and yellow and or wearing colorful mismatched socks. Also on Tuesday, third grade students will go on their field trip to the symphony.
Tuesday afternoon and evening from 3pm-9:30pm is our E.M. Holt PTO night at Texas Roadhouse. If you dine in, be sure to put your receipt in the basket on your way out. If you are doing take out be sure to let the server know to put a copy of the receipt into the basket.
On Friday, March 24th third grade students will go on their field trip to Old Salem.
Remember yearbooks are now on sale online at
Looking ahead to next week:
On Monday, March 27th there is a PTO member meeting in the media center from 6-7pm.
We will have spring and group pictures on Thursday, March 30th.
On Friday, March 31st there is a teacher workday and there is no school for students.