Good evening Eagle Family!
We had a great first week of 2nd semester!
Students will have Homeroom on Monday during Eagle time in preparation for the Registration window to open. Starting Tuesday, 2/7/2023, students will begin scheduling their Eagle Time in Edficiency.
We want to invite you to our upcoming Registration Night on 2/8/2023 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm! This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the programs and courses offered at Eastern Alamance, along with opportunities for your student/s throughout the district. We will have information about Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement, CTEC, Career and College Promise, Alamance Community College, Career & Technical Education, Athletics, Cultural Arts and much more. In addition, Southeast Alamance High School would like to invite all future students and their parents to our Registration Fair on Monday, February 6th from 4:30 to 6:30 at Hawfields Middle School. Please plan to stick around for a presentation at 6:00 from Mr. Yarbrough, principal at Southeast Alamance.
As we begin a new semester I want to offer a reminder, students who arrive on campus prior to 8:35am will report to the cafeteria for breakfast; the Media Center; or the Gym where staff will be on duty to monitor students. Students must remain in the area they select until 8:35 am. Any student meeting a teacher for tutoring or student organization meeting will need to have a note or email from the teacher they are meeting with. Our start time is 8:45am, so students will have plenty of time to move to the hallways and buildings where their 1st block classes are housed prior to the tardy bell. As colder weather sets in, the Media Center will be open at 7:45 am each morning for students to have access to an indoor space.
In addition, Door Dash and other outside food delivery is not permitted on campus; it places us in violation of Child Nutrition Guidelines. Students must also have a parking pass to park on campus. Moving forward students will receive parking citations if they are parking without a pass and/or not parking in the correct areas/spaces; seniors have assigned parking numbers. Please remind your student of these policies.
Week Ahead:
Tuesday, 2/07/23
Athletics: JV and Varsity Men’s Basketball vs. Northwood; Varsity Women’s Basketball vs. Northwood
Wednesday, 2/08/23
Registration Fair 4:30-6:30
Athletics: Swim State Championships start
Friday, 2/10/23
Athletics: JV and Varsity Men’s Basketball at Orange; Varsity Women’s Basketball at Orange; Wrestling Regionals at Cedar Ridge
Upcoming Dates
2/23/2023-Early Release
2/24/2023-Teacher Workday
Let’s have a great week, Eagles!
Dr. Fliehman