Ms. Peel (
Mrs. Underwood (
National Honor Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) was established in 1921 to recognize outstanding high school students. NHS members must demonstrate excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character; the four pillars of the NHS. Four main purposes guide NHS chapters: "To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools" (NHS Constitution).
NHS Applications: Fall 2024
The Fall 2024 application period is upon us. Eastern's chapter of NHS will be accepting applications from October 3rd through November 1st
Students meet the following qualifications are welcome to apply:
An applicant must be a junior or senior.
An applicant must have been enrolled at Eastern Alamance High School for at least a semester.
An applicant must have a minimum 3.25 unweighted and 3.5 weighted GPA.
An applicant must be able to indicate at least one verifiable leadership role since entering high school either in the school or community and one positive leadership accomplishment in that role.
An applicant must have completed a minimum of ten verifiable service hours since their freshman year.
An applicant must be able to get two positive staff recommendations (at least one from a core teacher) and one positive community recommendation to attest to your upstanding character.
If a student is able to meet these requirements, they are welcome to apply. To apply, complete the following steps by November 1st:
Complete the NHS Application .
Give this NHS Recommendation Form to each of your references, and make sure they know to return the form to either Ms. Peel or Mrs Underwood by November 1st, 2024. If you plan on returning the completed recommendation forms yourself, then it must be inside a signed and sealed envelope (one that is sealed with an unbroken signature across the seal -- instructions are on the form itself).
Use this Service Hour Form to attest to the service hours you reference in your application. Again, you must upload a file (image or pdf, for instance) of this signed form in order to receive credit for hours.
Finally, you must also submit a hard copy of this Application Parent Form to Ms. Peel or Mrs. Underwood.
NHS @EAHS Documents & Forms
This file is an addendum to Eastern's By-Laws that outlines common, though still infrequent, discipline infractions by members and the steps required for a member to maintain membership.
This is the Service Hour Form. Please turn in all hours served this year within 2 weeks of the service activity.