Good afternoon,
This is Principal Suzanne Simpson with your weekly updates. Thank you for a great first full week of the new semester.
National School Counselors Week: Take a moment this week to say thank you to Ms. Cushman and Dr. Lyons for everything they do for Eastern Alamance. We are lucky to have them!
EAgle Time: Make sure you have selected your EAgle time locations for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Class Meetings: We met with each class last week (the 9th grade meeting will take place on Tuesday) and reviewed this presentation. Please take a moment to review our updated tardy and cell phone policies as well as other important reminders.
Special Programs Roadshow: Are you ready to explore classes and career opportunities that are available to ABSS students? Would you like to learn more about one of the following Special ABSS Programs?
AIMS (Advanced Integrated Math & Science)
Alamance/Teacher Scholars
Public Safety
Fine Arts Pathway
CTEC Options (Kim Davis)
If so, sign up for this session during EAgle time. It will take place on 2/4/25.
Career & College Promise: An information session for students is being held during EAgle time on February 6th to learn about the Career & College Promise (CCP) program at Alamance Community College. This dual enrollment program offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credits for free while still in high school. During the session, we will provide information about eligibility, the benefits of participation, and how to apply. We encourage you to attend and bring any questions you might have!
Illness: As illness cases rise in our community, please remember to keep your child home if they are sick. This will stop the spread of illness to other students and teachers. Students need to be kept home if they have any of the following symptoms:
Fever of 100.4 or higher
Students should stay home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without any fever reducing medication (Tylenol, motrin, advil). Students should not be given any of these medications then sent to school. They may be highly contagious to others.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
Red, watery eyes with yellow discharge AND fever and/or eye pain.
Unexplained rash
If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Garrett at
NC Senate Page Program: We are excited to announce the return of the Senate Page Program for the 2025 session! Current 10th, 11, and 12th grade students are eligible to apply. This program offers young men and women the opportunity to learn about and participate in the legislative process of our state.
Senate Pages are important to the operation of the General Assembly as they assist the members and staff of the Senate during the legislative session. Being selected as a senate page is a great experience and it looks fantastic on college applications. To learn more about the page program, the Senate Page website is a great resource for interested students and parents. A student who is currently in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade may contact Senator Galey at and CC Haley White at to request sponsorship if interested. Ms. White will then contact them with the official application for them to complete.
Naval Academy Summer Opportunities: The Naval Academy Summer Seminar and Summer STEM applications are now open. These programs offer opportunities for high school students to experience life at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. The Summer Seminar is a one-week program designed for rising high school seniors who want to explore life at the U.S. Naval Academy. Participants will immerse themselves in the rigorous academics, athletics, and professional training that prepare the nation’s future leaders.
2025 Sessions:
May 31- June 5
June 7-12
June 14-19
Program Fee: $550
General Program Inquiries should be directed to:
The Summer STEM Program offers rising 9th, 10th, and 11th graders a chance to engage in hands-on math and science activities with USNA faculty and midshipmen.
2025 Sessions:
June 2-7 for rising 9th graders (current 8th graders)
June 9-14 for rising 10th graders (current 9th graders)
June 16-20 for rising 11th graders (current 10th graders)
Program Fee: $750
General Program Inquiries should be directed to:
Senior Information: It is never too early to purchase your cap and gown. Use this link to go ahead and secure your cap and gown for the lowest price of the year. If you missed the Senior Parent Informational Night, click here to review the presentation. As the year progresses, we will add important information here on the school website.
Bus Lot: The bus lot should only be used by our buses. It is not a place to pick up or drop off students.
Student Parking: Any student parking on campus should have a 24-25 parking permit. Here is the link to purchase a parking pass. Students who park on campus without a pass are subject to having their car towed at the owner’s expense. As a reminder, students may not go to the parking lots during the school day without permission from an administrator. Student parking is a matter of privilege, not a right; failure to comply with parking policies may result in revocation of parking privileges.
Chromebook Insurance: This year, we are offering families the opportunity to purchase optional insurance for $25 for their student(s) chromebook. This premium is good for one instance of unintentional breakage. It is highly recommended that you purchase the insurance. For more details, including a list of part replacement costs, click here for the Mobile Learning Handbook. You may use this link to purchase the optional insurance.
Student Name Update: Does your child have a name that they go by that is different from what is listed in PowerSchool? For example: student's name is Samantha but they go by Sami or student's name is John but they go by Jack. If so, you must complete this form. Until this form is complete and has been approved, all staff at school are required to call them by the name listed in PowerSchool.
PowerSchool Parent Portal: In order to stay up to date about your child’s grades and attendance, it is very important that you download the Powerschool Parent Portal App. HERE is all the information you need to download the app and set up its features. Please let us know if we can help you.
Canvas Observer: Parents can sign up as an observer in Canvas. Observers can link their Canvas account to their student's account so they can see assignment due dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course.
How to Sign Up to Become a Canvas Observer
Upcoming Events:
Band Boosters Meeting
Indoor Track @ Home
JV Men’s Basketball @ Cedar Ridge at 4:30
Women’s Varsity Basketball a@ Cedar Ridge at 6:00
Varsity Men’s Basketball @ Cedar Ridge at 7:30
Women In Sports Celebration @ 6:00 at Southern Alamance
All Sports Foundation Board Meeting
JV Men’s Basketball vs. Person at 4:30
Women’s Varsity Basketball vs. Person at 6:00
Varsity Men’s Basketball vs. Person at 7:30
A look ahead:
February 3 - Band Boosters Meeting
February 5 - All Sports Foundation Board Meeting
February 6 - Rising 9th grade curriculum night
February 11 - All County Band Auditions
February 15 - Winter Formal Dance
February 16 - Big Man On Campus
February 17 - Spring Workkeys Window Opens
February 28 - Teacher Workday
March 3 - National School Social Worker Week
March 11 - ACT for all 11th graders
March 24 - NC Check- In Window #1
March 28 - Teacher Workday
April 3 - National School Librarian Day
As always, thank you for your continued support. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.