Cartoon Eagle head facing to the right

Good afternoon, 

This is Principal Suzanne Simpson with your weekly updates.  I hope that you each had a great winter break.  We are excited to welcome you back to campus tomorrow!

No EAgle Time:  This week there will be no EAgle time this week as we prepare for exams.  The daily schedule for the week is included below. 

8:45 -­ 10:20 ­ 1st Period
10:25 -­ 12:00 ­ 2nd Period
12:05 -­ 2:05 ­ 3rd Period and Lunch
1st Lunch
Lunch: 12:00 - 12:25       3rd Period:  12:30-2:05
2nd Lunch
3rd Period:  12:05 - 12:30       Lunch:  12:30 - 12:55  3rd Period: 1:00 - 2:05
3rd Lunch
3rdPeriod: 12:05 - 1:00       Lunch:  1:00 - 1:25       3rd Period: 1:30 - 2:05
2:10 -­ 3:45 ­ 4th Period

Fall Exam Schedule:  Fall Exam week is next week, January 13-17, 2025.  EOC, CTE, and teacher made exams will all occur throughout this week.  The exam schedule can be found here.  Please reach out if you have questions.  Be on the lookout later this week for a detailed testing email, including your testing location, etc.  Finally remember that the exam counts as 20% of your grade. 

Teacher Made Exams:  Teacher Made Exams will take place on Thursday, January 16th.  We will run the No EAgle Time bell schedule that day.  As a reminder per board policy high school students may be exempt from a final exam that is not state required if the student meets the criteria below.

  1. a grade of “A” and no more than five (5) absences (excused/unexcused) during the semester

  2. a grade of “B” and no more than four (4) absences (excused/unexcused) during the semester

  3. A grade of “C” and no more than three (3) absences (excused/unexcused) during the semester

Grades:  Make a plan to talk to your teachers about any missing assignments you may have.  As a reminder this 9 weeks counts as 40% of your final grade.

Spring Schedules: Take a moment to review your Spring semester schedule.  Please complete this form if you need to change a class for the Spring semester of the 24-25 school year.  Schedule changes are permitted ONLY for the following reasons: 

  • Holes in schedules (no assigned class period)

  • Juniors/Seniors w/specific graduation requirements

  • Earned credit in summer school or credit recovery

  • Erroneously placed in class already passed

  • Administrative decision 

Schedule changes are not permitted for switching teachers, personal schedule preferences, etc. Schedule changes must be requested by noon on Friday, January 10th.  

Attendance Matters:  We all know that high attendance leads to high achievement so please continue to get to school on time every day.  Families, please help us to ensure that your student(s) is on time and present each day.  Our current overall attendance rate is 89.5%.  

Senior Information:  It is never too early to purchase your cap and gown.  Use this link to go ahead and secure your cap and gown for the lowest price of the year.  If you missed the Senior Parent Informational Night, click here to review the presentation.  As the year progresses, we will add important information here on the school website.

Bus Lot:  The bus lot should only be used by our buses.  It is not a place to pick up or drop off students.


Student Parking:  Any student parking on campus should have a 24-25 parking permit.  Here is the link to purchase a parking pass.  Students who park on campus without a pass are subject to having their car towed at the owner’s expense. As a reminder, students may not go to the parking lots during the school day without permission from an administrator.  Student parking is a matter of privilege, not a right; failure to comply with parking policies may result in revocation of parking privileges. 

Chromebook Insurance:  This year, we are offering families the opportunity to purchase optional insurance for $25 for their student(s) chromebook. This premium is good for one instance of unintentional breakage.  It is highly recommended that you purchase the insurance.  For more details, including a list of part replacement costs, click here for the Mobile Learning Handbook.  You may use this link to purchase the optional insurance. 

Student Name Update: Does your child have a name that they go by that is different from what is listed in PowerSchool? For example: student's name is Samantha but they go by Sami or student's name is John but they go by Jack. If so, you must complete this form. Until this form is complete and has been approved, all staff at school are required to call them by the name listed in PowerSchool.

PowerSchool Parent Portal:  In order to stay up to date about your child’s grades and attendance, it is very important that you download the Powerschool Parent Portal App. HERE is all the information you need to download the app and set up its features.  Please let us know if we can help you.  

Canvas Observer:  Parents can sign up as an observer in Canvas. Observers can link their Canvas account to their student's account so they can see assignment due dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course. 

How to Sign Up to Become a Canvas Observer

Upcoming Events:



JV Men’s Basketball @ Williams at 4:30 

Women’s Varsity Basketball @ Williams at 6:00

Varsity Men’s Basketball @ Williams at 7:30


Wrestling vs. Person at 5:00


Big Man On Campus Dress Rehearsal 4-6


JV Men’s Basketball vs. Cedar Ridge at 4:30 

Women’s Varsity Basketball vs. Cedar Ridge t at 6:00

Varsity Men’s Basketball vs. Cedar Ridge  at 7:30


Varsity Men’s Basketball  @ Reidsville at 7:30


Big Man On Campus 

A look ahead:

January 12 - Big Man On Campus

January 13-17 - Fall Exam Week

January 18 - All District Band Auditions

January 20 - MLK Holiday

January 21-22 - Teacher Workdays

January 23 - Start of Second Semester

January 29 - All Sports Foundation Meeting

February 3 - Band Boosters Meeting

February 11 - All County Band Auditions

As always, thank you for your continued support.  Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.