Cartoon style eagle head logo in green, white, and yellow facing to the right.t

Good evening Eagle Families,

This is Principal Suzanne Simpson with your weekly updates.  I hope that you enjoyed your extra hour this weekend.  The link to view report cards was emailed on Friday at noon.  The link is only good for 5 days.  If you did not receive one, please check your spam.  If you still do not have one, please reach out to Ms. Copeland at  

Congratulations to our football team.  Although Friday night didn't end like we wanted it to, we are all proud of you!  Thank you to our cheerleaders, dance team and marching band for supporting our athletes through the season.  The Marching Eagles also ended their competition season this weekend with a 3rd place in marching maneuvering!  

In case you missed the phone call, during the course of the first quarter the district amassed 32,000 tardies, Eastern students accounted for just over 2,000 of those.  Students who are tardy to school/class miss out on valuable instruction time.  Please make sure that you are getting to school and class on time.  Our school day begins at 8:45.  We allow a 5 minute class change between each period.  

Make sure you stay up to date with our daily announcements by listening to them during EAgle time.  If you miss a day, you can always catch up on our channel here.  

Seniors, we have a page on our website just for you!  Check it out for the latest updates on all you need to know to navigate your senior year.  Go ahead and order your cap and gown before the price goes up in December.  Graduation will be June 8th, at 4:00 at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex Fieldhouse.

Yearbooks are now on sale for their lowest price.  You can purchase one here.  


Evening Academy has started, but it is not too late for you to join us!  It is held every Tuesday through Thursday from 4:15-6:30.  This is a great opportunity for you to catch up on missing work, get tutoring in a core subject or recover credits from previous courses online.  You must provide your own transportation.  To register click here

Breakfast and lunch are not universally free for all students. If you would like your child to eat meals at school, you will either need to put money on their online account or you will need to secure a free/reduced lunch status by filling out the required form. The form is available in the office or you can fill it out online: 

You can add money to their lunch account online, by clicking the link below.  

Upcoming Events:



Basketball Scrimmage @ TBS




Veteran’s Day

A Look Ahead

November 1-7--NC Check-Ins

November 10--Veterans Day Holiday

November 22-26–Thanksgiving Break

As always, thank you for your continued support and please reach out if you have any questions.