Cartoon style eagle head logo in green, white, and yellow facing to the right.t

October 29, 2023

Good afternoon Eagle Families, 

This is Principal Suzanne Simpson with your weekly updates.  I hope that you have taken advantage of the amazing weekend weather.  It is so hard to believe that we have arrived at the end of the first quarter.  It seems like just yesterday we were all anxiously awaiting the start of the school year.  As we head into the second 9 weeks, continue to work hard in your classes.  If you need, make adjustments to get to your goal for the final grade in each of your classes.  Remember each quarter counts as 40% of your final grade and the exam counts as 20%.  Report cards will be delivered by email via a special link on Friday, November 3rd.  Please make sure that you have updated your information in PowerSchool so you can receive the link.  

Students will report to homeroom tomorrow during EAgle time.

Are you ready to learn new workplace skills, jump into a stable career, and become a leader? Join the growing number of ABSS students and graduates who are creating a bright future at local companies that have a vision for building a talented workforce. Come out to the Media Center on November 1st at 6:00 to meet with Career Accelerator Partners and current Apprentices to find out about the opportunities available for current students.  

Are you interested in a Career in Manufacturing?  Or maybe a Green Career?   Don't know what those Careers Include?   Manufacturing Careers include Automotive Service, Machining, Applied Engineering and Computer Aided Design (CAD).  Green Careers include AgriBusiness (Businesses in Agriculture), AgriScience (producing goods and services in a way that keeps the environment healthy), Sustainable Agriculture (farming to protect the environment), and agricultural Education.  We have 15 spots for each trip happening the afternoon of November 9th.   You can get your permission slip in student services. 

We are excited to officially begin the winter sports season tomorrow with a variety of tryouts.  Please see each team’s social media for specific tryout information.  We still have 2 fall sports in playoff action.  Layni Poteat, will play in the individual women's golf state championship at Pinehurst over the next 2 days.  We are proud of her and wish her the best of luck!  Also, our football team will host Southern Durham Friday night for the opening round of the playoffs.  Please make plans to join us at 7:00!  

Congratulations to Mr. Crotts and our band as they competed in the Northwest Band competition yesterday and won 2nd place in percussion, 2nd place in drum major and 3rd place overall in their class.  The parent pit crew also took home the best overall pit crew award!

Yearbooks are now on sale for their lowest price.  You can purchase one here.  

Evening Academy has started, but it is not too late for you to join us!  It is held every Tuesday through Thursday from 4:15-6:30.  This is a great opportunity for you to catch up on missing work, get tutoring in a core subject or recover credits from previous courses online.  You must provide your own transportation.  To register click here.   

Please make sure that you are adhering to our cell phone policy.  Phones are allowed during lunch, class changes, and before/afterschool.  Students should not be on their phones during class except with explicit teacher permission.  If you are on your phone when you should not be and are asked to give it to your teacher and you fail to do so, it will result in a 2 day suspension. 

In order to stay up to date about your child’s grades and attendance, it is very important that you download the Powerschool Parent Portal App. HERE is all the information you need to download the app and set up its features.  Please let us know if we can help you. 

Breakfast and lunch are not universally free for all students. If you would like your child to eat meals at school, you will either need to put money on their online account or you will need to secure a free/reduced lunch status by filling out the required form. The form is available in the office or you can fill it out online: 

You can add money to their lunch account online, by clicking the link below.  

Upcoming Events:


Winter Sports Tryouts begin


Winter Sports Tryouts 


CAP meeting @ 6:00 in the media center



Report Cards

First Round state playoffs Varsity Football vs. Southern Durham @ 7:00

A Look Ahead

October 30--Regular Student Day

November 3–Report Cards 

November 1-7--NC Check-Ins

November 10--Veterans Day Holiday

November 22-26–Thanksgiving Break

As always, thank you for your continued support and please reach out if you have any questions.