Cartoon style eagle head logo in green, white, and yellow facing to the right.t

Good evening Eagle Families, 

This is Principal Suzanne Simpson with some important updates and reminders. 

EAgle time begins on Monday.  This is a time in our school day where students can receive extra help in a subject, join a club meeting, or get some work done in a study hall.  Students should use the Edficiency program to sign up for sessions and check their email each morning to see their assigned location. Sign-up closes at midnight on the day prior to each session, so students should sign up for Monday’s session by Sunday night.  Make sure you have taken care of this for this week.

Fall underclassmen pictures will be taken this Friday.  Students were given package flyers and information last week.  

If you ride an early bus, you should report to the cafeteria when you arrive on campus.  It will open at 7:45 for early bus riders.  The auditorium lobby and gym will open at 8:10 for all other students. 

All student drivers at EA are expected to have a parking permit to park on campus.  Please make sure you are parking in your correct parking space and that your parking pass is displayed on your dash or rearview mirror.  We will begin checking the parking lot this week and vehicles without passes are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

Homecoming week will kick off next Sunday with our annual Powderpuff and Homecoming King crowning at 3:00 pm.  The festivities will continue throughout the week with daily spirit days (see below) and the Homecoming parade on Wednesday @ 7:00 in downtown Mebane.  Friday we will play Cedar Ridge and crown our Homecoming Queen.  We will end the week with our homecoming dance from 8-11 on Saturday October, 7th.  You can purchase tickets online or from Mrs. Jackowski in the cafeteria. 

Monday: Disney/Cartoon Day

Tuesday: Barbie/Ken Day

Wednesday: Dynamic Duo Day

Thursday:  Dress As your type Day

Friday: Green and Gold Day

Seniors, you don’t want to miss our College Access and Information night tomorrow in the auditorium at 6:30. 

Seniors, the district is gathering information regarding your post graduation plans.  Please complete the 2024 Senior Post-High School google form by Wednesday, September 27th at 5:00. 

The NC Governor's School Information Session will be held in conjunction with the ABSS Family University on October 16th. This session will be delivered during the SECOND session time slot (6:50-7:30).  Please reach out to Mrs. Johnson at for more information.     

In order to stay up to date about your child’s grades and attendance, it is very important that you download the Powerschool Parent Portal App. HERE is all the information you need to download the app and set up its features.  Please let us know if we can help you.  

Breakfast and lunch are not universally free for all students. If you would like your child to eat meals at school, you will either need to put money on their online account or you will need to secure a free/reduced lunch status by filling out the required form. The form is available in the office or you can fill it out online: 

You can add money to their lunch account online, by clicking the link below.  

Upcoming Events: 


Women's Golf @ Western Alamance

Women's Tennis vs. Western Alamance @ Old Mebane Rec at 4:30

Men's Soccer vs. Southern @ 6:00

College Access and Information Night @ 6:30 in the Auditorium


Volleyball @ Western Alamance at 5:00


Women's Tennis vs. Williams @ Old Mebane Rec at 4:30

Volleyball @ BY at 5:00

Men's Soccer @ Orange at 6:00


Volleyball vs. Williams at 5:00

JV Football vs. Williams at 6:00


Varsity Football @ Williams at 7:00

As always, thank you for your continued support and please reach out if you have any questions.  

Go Eagles!