Picture of a Chromebook with text declaring all chromebooks are returning to school this year

At the end of this school year, we are collecting ALL student chromebooks and chargers. Returning students will get another chromebook and charger when the new school year starts.

When do I turn in my chromebook and charger?

Seniors with no exams may begin turning in chromebooks on Wednesday, May 31st any time between 8:15am and 4:00pm. They can also turn in their devices any school day after that through June 9th. 

Juniors who are finished with exams may begin turning in chromebooks on Thursday, June 1st any time between 8:15am and 4:00pm. They can also turn in their devices any school day after that through June 9th. 

Sophomores who are finished with exams may begin turning in chromebooks on Friday, June 2nd any time between 8:15am and 4:00pm. They can also turn in their devices any school day after that through June 9th. 

Freshmen who are finished with exams may begin turning in chromebooks on Monday, June 5th any time between 8:15am and 4:00pm. They can also turn in their devices any school day after that through June 9th. 

Where do I turn in my chromebook and charger? Once the day to return your chromebook and charger arrives, you may bring them both to the library. In the library, there will be three tables labeled: A-G, H-O, and P-Z. You will go to the table with the first letter of your last name. 

What do I do at the turn in table? Have your chromebook open and turned on, and your charger cords neatly wrapped. Provide the person there with your student ID number. Show them that your screen is not broken and that no keys are missing. Hand both the chromebook and charger to the person. Walk away and have a great summer!

Students, check your ABSS email for more details