Grab an apple and Crunch! 🍎 NC Crunch is a statewide event throughout October to celebrate NC agriculture, National Farm to school month, apples grown by local farmers and healthy eating. CTE classes across ABSS are learning about NC apple tree production and tasting a few varieties of apples for our crunch event. 🍏 #StudentCenteredFutureFocused #NCCrunch #ABSSCTE

Are you interested in Driver's Education for your child? Fill out the interest form here: https://forms.gle/UCdJcerrZJxw1aa48. More information about the Driver's Education program can be found on our district webpage: https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/page/driver-education

CTEC Staff utilizing time completing professional development today regarding Growth Mindset and Data. Always a great time to learn new tricks.

For current CTEC Students: Monday, October 17 is an early release day. A regular schedule for 1st and 2nd blocks. Afternoon classes will not meet at CTEC including ACC classes held at CTEC.

Come Join Us for the HIGH SCHOOL OPTIONS Fair
Time: Saturday - October 8th - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Holly Hill Mall in Burlington
Learn about the different options ABSS offers.

Mrs. Mahaffey's Health Science 2 class has been working for a couple of weeks on their personal résumés, cover letters, and professionalism in the workplace. On 10/4 each student participated in a mock job interview with Shelly Pilversack, CTEC School Instructional Specialist, and Erika, a Trauma ICU Nurse at Baptist Hospital.

Congratulations to Ariela Pineda Chilel and Jimena Rodriquez Maravilla for being accepted into the Greensboro AHEC Teen Health Career Club for 2022/2023. While in this club they will explore various careers and topics in the health professions through exposure to local health care providers and students in professional and graduate programs. They will also participate in health science workshops, leadership training, service learning, and professionalism training.

Here is a scholorship you can apply for. Apply online at www.bbb.org/triadscholarships or see your counselor for help

CTEC Seniors:
The 2023-23 FAFSA form is now available at studentaid.gov & Free College Application Week is coming up Oct. 17-22! Students will need a CFNC account to apply to NC state schools & community colleges. Create account at CFNC.org

Health Science 2 students are learning about Fire Safety. The Burlington Fire Department came to campus and the students were able to practice using a fire extinguisher! #ABSSCTE

CTEC Construction students learning the correct technique to hammer a nail into a piece of wood #ABSSCTE #ABSS @ABSS @RobinBowers_CTE

CTEC students learning about different parts of the computer and the purpose of the parts. #ABSSCTE #ABSS @ABSS @RobinBowers_CTE

Hello CTEC family, we wanted to remind you that Monday Sept. 19 is a half-day. Morning CTEC students will have a regular schedule and will be dismissed at 11:25 am to go back to their home school. CTEC will not host afternoon students including ACC, students should remain at their homeschools.

Computer Engineering students at CTEC learning to build computers. Today we installed the motherboard and RAM. #handsonlearning #ABSS #ABSSCTE

Are you ready to learn advanced skills, jump into a stable career, and become a leader? Discover the advantages of apprenticeship today and attend one of the following informational sessions at a local high school about the CAP Program.

Do you drive to CTEC? Get your parking permit by THIS THURSDAY September 8!!

Mrs. Segars' Technological Design class is completing the Marble Explorer Run challenge. Hands-on learning at CTEC is always fun and happening.

Did you know that CTEC has Social Media? Do you want to stay update on things happening at CTEC? Please follow our social media accounts!!

Our teachers had a great time learning about the Burlington Sock Puppets during one of the PD days we had last week.

Just a reminder there will be NO school on Monday Sept. 5.