Only bus 348 and 141 may be off on time. 169 will be right on time today. Bus 348 students will ride but 141 on a double route.
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
Bus 348 students will be split between 141 and 169 today for the PM route. Please be aware that your child could arrive home a little later today due to this.
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
Fifth grade parents: Reminder--there will be a Washington, D.C. chaperone/parent meeting this Thursday, Nov. 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Chaperones should plan to attend this meeting. Parents of students that do not have a chaperone going on the trip are welcome to attend as well.
about 1 month ago, Principal Westmoreland
Our PTO dance is coming up soon on Nov. 15, and we need parent volunteers to make it a success! Sign up here:
about 1 month ago, Alexander Wilson Elementary
We have 1 more teacher workday coming up. Please plan accordingly. --Tuesday, November 5th No school for students tomorrow!
about 1 month ago, Principal Westmoreland
A reminder that Roll-A-Bout Skate Night is tonight, November 4th, from 6-8 P.M (Reminders: No ripped clothing; make sure you bring $5 cash per person–Skater/non-skater)
about 1 month ago, Principal Westmoreland
If your child rides bus 337, we apologize for the delay. We have sent out another bus to pick up children as well. Bus 141.
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
All bus parents be aware that buses could arrive significantly earlier today because many students are checking out after awards. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
Our PTO Campus Beautification is this Saturday, 11/02, beginning at 8 AM! Please join us. Bring lawn/garden tools so that we can spruce up our campus!
about 1 month ago, Alexander Wilson Elementary
Our 1st Quarter Awards Ceremony is this Friday, November 1st, in the gym K-2 will start at 11:00 3-5 will start at 12:45 The gym will not be open until after 10 for seating due to our House Meetings.
about 1 month ago, Principal Westmoreland
Bus 348 will be picked up with 141 again today.
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
NO Good News Club this Thursday, 10/31. We will resume next week on 11/7.
about 1 month ago, Principal Westmoreland
Tomorrow, 10/31, is House Spirit Dress-Up Day! Students are encouraged to go all out in their house colors! Please no masks of any kind!
about 1 month ago, Principal Westmoreland
Bus 337 will be running behind today. We have to run a double route on 169 and 141 to accommodate these students. Thank you for your patience.
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
Bus 337 has a sub driver today. Could be ten minutes later.
about 1 month ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
Bus 348 will be picked up with 141 again today. It is a combined route.
about 2 months ago, Assistant Principal Taylor Corcoran
Check out the news--Water wins our final day of House Penny Wars! Yay Blue House!!! We raised $3,608.27! Thank you for the fun and support of our PTO!
about 2 months ago, Alexander Wilson Elementary
Today, 10/26 --10:00 AM-2:00 PM, is the Swepsonville Pumpkin Festival! **The first 100 AWE students/siblings who attend—can get a free pumpkin! Swepsonville Market: 2656 Darrell Newton Drive Graham, NC 27256 Pumpkins distributed between 11-12! Dr. Westmoreland will be there!
about 2 months ago, Principal Westmoreland
Flyer for Swepsonville Pumpkin Festival, pictures of pumpkins, descriptions of events--pony rides, bbq food, live music