Only bus 348 and 141 may be off on time. 169 will be right on time today. Bus 348 students will ride but 141 on a double route.
Bus 348 students will be split between 141 and 169 today for the PM route. Please be aware that your child could arrive home a little later today due to this.
Fifth grade parents: Reminder--there will be a Washington, D.C. chaperone/parent meeting this Thursday, Nov. 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Chaperones should plan to attend this meeting. Parents of students that do not have a chaperone going on the trip are welcome to attend as well.
Our PTO dance is coming up soon on Nov. 15, and we need parent volunteers to make it a success! Sign up here:
We have 1 more teacher workday coming up. Please plan accordingly.
--Tuesday, November 5th
No school for students tomorrow!
A reminder that Roll-A-Bout Skate Night is tonight, November 4th, from 6-8 P.M (Reminders: No ripped clothing; make sure you bring $5 cash per person–Skater/non-skater)
If your child rides bus 337, we apologize for the delay. We have sent out another bus to pick up children as well. Bus 141.
All bus parents be aware that buses could arrive significantly earlier today because many students are checking out after awards. Thank you!
Our PTO Campus Beautification is this Saturday, 11/02, beginning at 8 AM! Please join us. Bring lawn/garden tools so that we can spruce up our campus!
Our 1st Quarter Awards Ceremony is this Friday, November 1st, in the gym
K-2 will start at 11:00
3-5 will start at 12:45
The gym will not be open until after 10 for seating due to our House Meetings.
Bus 348 will be picked up with 141 again today.
NO Good News Club this Thursday, 10/31. We will resume next week on 11/7.
Tomorrow, 10/31, is House Spirit Dress-Up Day! Students are encouraged to go all out in their house colors! Please no masks of any kind!
Bus 337 will be running behind today. We have to run a double route on 169 and 141 to accommodate these students. Thank you for your patience.
Bus 337 has a sub driver today. Could be ten minutes later.
Bus 348 will be picked up with 141 again today. It is a combined route.
Check out the news--Water wins our final day of House Penny Wars! Yay Blue House!!!
We raised $3,608.27! Thank you for the fun and support of our PTO!
Today, 10/26 --10:00 AM-2:00 PM, is the Swepsonville Pumpkin Festival! **The first 100 AWE students/siblings who attend—can get a free pumpkin!
Swepsonville Market: 2656 Darrell Newton Drive Graham, NC 27256
Pumpkins distributed between 11-12! Dr. Westmoreland will be there!