Riders on bus 337 will be split between 169 and 141. Please be advised that route times could be off. We apologize for the late notice and inconvenience.
We had a fire drill this afternoon around 2pm. This was just a drill.
STEAM Night is tonight, November 21st, at Southeast Alamance High School from 6:30 to 8 p.m.! We hope you will join us. All the activities will be free, but there will be food trucks on-site if you'd like to purchase dinner or dessert!
Bus 337 is on time
Sub driver for bus 337. May run a little behind.
Bus 348 will be picked up with bus 141 today as a combined route. Bus 337 has a sub driver but should be running on time.
STEAM Night is tomorrow night, November 21st, at Southeast Alamance Highschool from 6:30-8 pm! We hope you will join us. All the activities will be free, but they will have food trucks on-site if you'd like to purchase dinner or dessert!
Bus 337 will run as normal today. Sorry for the confusion. We have secured a sub driver for the bus.
Bus 337 will be split between 169 and 141. Please know that this could cause a delay in your child's arrival time.
George Bason Road will be picked up by 141.
Bus 337 has a sub driver this morning. May be running a little later than normal.
Our PTO dance is tonight (11-15) from 6 to 7:30. Parents must accompany children to this dance (there is no drop-off option). Candy, snacks, and drinks will be sold, but there is no entrance fee.
Students that ride buses 141, 337 and 169 may be a little delayed. We are splitting 337 students between 141 and 169. No students will remain at the school for a double route. They may just be up to 15-20 later. Some will remain on time.
Our PTO is sponsoring a dance tomorrow (11-15) from 6 to 7:30. Parents must accompany children to this dance (there is no drop-off option). Candy, snacks, and drinks will be sold, but there is no entrance fee.
This is just a reminder that there are no music clubs this week.
Monday, November 11th, is the Veterans Day holiday. No school for students/staff.
Our PTO dance is coming up soon on Nov. 15, and we need parent volunteers to make it a success! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084AA4A72FA20-50868782-ptointernational?useFullSite=true#/
Bus 348 will be picked up with 141 this morning.