Enrollment Information
Enrollment Information for High School Enrollment for Second Semester 2024-25
For Families of Students in Grades 9-12 NOT Currently Enrolled at AVS:
There is the possibility we will have open seats in each high school grade level as we start the Second Semester of this school year on January 23, 2025. If there is a student in grades 9-12 that would like to be considered for enrollment at Alamance Virtual School, please fill out the Semester 2 High School Enrollment Form SOON as availability is closing by mid-December.
By submitting this form, students and their families are committing the student to attend AVS for the remainder of this school year.
Enrollment for Grades 6-8 is not currently open for the 2024-25. 2025-26 Enrollment will open later in the school year.
Learn more about the Alamance Virtual School by reviewing one of the recorded Enrollment Information Sessions linked below.
Considering Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Yar?
After Thanksgiving Break 2023 we hosted several Enrollment Information Sessions for families considering enrollment. While these videos are from Fall 2024 and discuss the 2024-25 school year, much of the information is applicable for 2025-26 school year.We have included links to two sessions we held. One is in English and a second is in English with Spanish translations.
Below is a playlist from YouTube showing two of our sessions - select the one you would like to watch.