School Visitor Guidelines

Beginning February 1, 2019, ABSS has new guidelines for school visitors. All visitors must report to the main office. The receptionist will greet each visitor and offer assistance with checking in.
Every visitor must describe the nature of their visit to obtain a visitor pass
Each visitor will login on the screen with name and valid driver’s license to print a visitor badge
Badge must be visible while on school property
Visitors must sign out prior to leaving campus Tardy and Early Check Outs must be entered in the system with guidance from the receptionist.
A visitor is defined as any individual that is not employed or enrolled at a specific site. A visitor is a parent or relative of any student; relative of any employee; any vendor; delivery person, or staff member from other schools or departments entering the school.
If the system is inoperable or the visitor does not present a valid driver’s license, information about the child may be requested, such as;
Child name
Date of birth
Phone number