Owl with graduation hat, holding a diploma standing on top of words- Pleasant Grove Elementary; clipart of black female with braids and green sweater-words Happy February

Pleasant Grove Elementary Weekly Updates

Week of Feb 6, 2023

Friday,  Feb. 3- This is a reminder that 2nd quarter report cards were distributed on Friday, Feb. 3rd.  Please contact our front office if you have questions about accessing your child’s report card.

Thursday, Feb. 9- PGE will host a Valentine’s Dance for our students from 5:30-7:30 pm.  There will be a $3 entry and concessions will be sold at the dance.  We ask that students wear soft sole shoes or boots to protect the new gym floor.

Parents mark your calendars!  We will have our 2nd quarter Academic Ceremony on Tuesday, Feb. 14: The ceremony will take place at the PGE gymnasium

K-2 8:30-9:15

3-5 9:30-10:15

AVS Enrollment

Alamance Virtual School

Just a reminder that AVS will open their enrollment period from February 1 through February 28.  Please their school website for enrollment information.

Shanise Goldsby