Pleasant Grove Elementary Weekly Updates
Week of Oct 16, 2023
Thank you to all our families for donating to our candy drive!
Congratulations to Mrs. Pittman's class for being our winner of the candy drive; with your support, they were able to collect 50 bags of candy for our Fall Festival! Way to Go!
They of course will receive an ice cream party curiosity of the PTA!
I would like to also encourage our families to join our PTA: PGE PTA 23-24
Please join us Monday night, October 16, for the first ABSS Family University will be October 16, 2023, from 5:30-7:30 @ Cummings High School; this is the opportunity to get information on how to better your child’s educational experience and our school. Dinner will be served and childcare will be provided so that parents can attend sessions. I would love to have Pleasant Grove Elementary representative well; please plan to attend! Remember We Are the Wise Owls and We Soar to Greatness! Let them see us! If you click here, you will see the numerous sessions being offered.
Upcoming Events
Pleasant Grove Fall Festival October 21, 2023 from 5:00-7:00 pm!
PGE will have the Schoolwide Hearing screening on Wednesday, October 25- details will be shared at a later date.
Fall Picture Make-Up Day will be Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023
Shanise Goldsby